Commission to consider changes to boating regulations

January 11, 2017 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will consider at its Jan. 20 meeting a regulation amendment that would allow people to obtain boating safety certification via an online course. The meeting is at 8 a.m. in the third-floor conference room of the Commission’s Lincoln headquarters, 2200 N. 33rd St.

If passed, the amended regulation would help streamline boater education by increasing opportunities for constituents, while retaining the classroom and home-study options for obtaining certification.

Another boating regulation amendment up for consideration would update the maps in the Special Rules and Regulations for Nonpublic Lake Associations.

Also on the agenda are recommendations to:

— approve grant awards for the Land and Water Conservation Fund Stateside Assistance Program to Beatrice, Beemer, David City, Elmwood, Fullerton, Ord, Paxton, Greeley, Lexington, Lincoln, and Palmyra.

— approve the following outdoor trail projects for federal funding through the Recreational Trails Program: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for the Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail, Fullerton for the Powerhouse Park Trail, Tekamah for the Tekamah Tiger Trail Loop, and Norfolk for the Underpass Trail.

— amend wildlife regulations regarding game breeding and controlled shooting areas.

— approve an increase to the Cash Change Fund at Summit Lake State Recreation Area to support the coinage requirements at the new shower house.

For a complete meeting agenda, visit:

The post Commission to consider changes to boating regulations appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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