LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission plans to delay consideration of the proposed recommendations to the Lake McConaughy Visitor Management plan at its Wednesday, Jan. 22 meeting.
“We have listened to local citizens, officials and business owners regarding proposed changes, and we heard you. We are going to respond,” said Director Jim Douglas. “We realize we still have important problems to solve, but we are going to take pause in the adoption of the current recommendations to consider the full array of suggestions.”
The Commission, together with local officials, park visitors and the public, has been working on a proposed plan to make Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area a better, safer family-friendly environment. The proposed plan called for changes to camping regulations to help ensure public safety and address over-crowding and over-burdened infrastructure.
The Commission hosted an informational open house at the Lake McConaughy Visitor and Water Interpretive Center on Thursday, Jan. 16 attended by hundreds and has also been accepting and reviewing public comments.
The Commission plans to create a local advisory committee to continue to develop recommendations that will be effective in creating a safe and manageable environment.
At the Jan. 22 meeting, staff will meet with commissioners about public feedback and provide a report on input received.
“Nebraskans are passionate about outdoor recreation because it is an important part of our quality of life. We appreciate the inputs we have received thus far, and we will continue to ask for suggestions on how to best move forward with the many inputs we have to achieve our common goals,” Douglas said.
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