Challenge yourself: Find these six things in nature during winter break

December 11, 2020 shawna richter-ryerson

LINCOLN, Neb. – Students across the state are invited to combat their cabin fever this coming winter break by searching for and photographing six nature finds during the 2020 Outdoor Winter Challenge.

Each day, students will be given a nature item to find and photograph, and should submit — with the help of their parents — via social media for a chance to win a prize. The daily themes are:

  • Dec. 26: Take a photo of something natural that is red.
  • Dec. 27: Take a photo of a leaf shaped like a heart.
  • Dec. 28: Take a photo of something in nature that looks like the letter “M.”
  • Dec. 29: Take a photo of a seed or a berry.
  • Dec. 30: Take a photo of something in nature that has symmetry.
  • Dec. 31: Take a photo of something bumpy in nature.

Photos should be submitted via Facebook in the Outdoor Winter Challenge daily events post on the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission page at or at Photos should be posted by midnight on the day of the challenge.

Winners for each day will be chosen randomly through social media and direct messaged for a mailing address for their prize.

Need more winter break ideas? Explore the Game and Parks Fish and Wildlife Education Division’s resources at

The post Challenge yourself: Find these six things in nature during winter break appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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