Nebraska’s weather has done its usual March, Nebraska thing this week. I say it is schizophrenic. That, and the cold water, makes this one of the toughest times of year to catch fish from open water. On the other hand, if you can still get on the ice, late ice can be some of the best fishing of the year. That is exactly why I hope every year for the ice to last as long as possible.
But, assuming that you are looking at liquid water, I can understand if some of you might be a little discouraged about fishing this weekend. In fact, I suspect many will stay indoors and watch the big basketball tournament that happens every year about this time. Many folks like to make the b-ball tournament a little more interesting by filling out “brackets” with their buddies. A little friendly competition to see who can guess the winners of the most games makes it even more amusing.
I enjoy watching sports on TV, enjoy college basketball because I have played hoops a little bit–just enough to have a better understanding of the game. Oh yes, I have often participated in a little friendly competition with others by filling out brackets. Strangely, I never win.
Wonder why?
Get out on the water this weekend if you can. Up the odds by fishing the warmest spots you can, target cold-water fish (e.g. trout) or some cool-water fish (e.g. northern pike, sauger). Be patient. We will have warmer, more stable weather in July.
The post Brackets appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.