2022 Fishing Guide

January 4, 2022 daryl bauer

The 2022 Fishing Guide is on the way, I promise.  A hard copy, printed version is probably a few weeks off yet, an on-line version will be posted a lot sooner.

Until then. . . .

Anglers must be aware of fishing regulation changes for 2022

LINCOLN, Neb. – Anglers must be aware of fishing regulation changes that take effect Jan. 1, according to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

The changes are:

Black Bass – The area where no minimum length limit on smallmouth bass is required has expanded to the Nebraska Public Power District Canal starting at the Sutherland Reservoir outlet to the confluence with the South Platte River in Lincoln County; this includes Lake Maloney. Bufflehead Wildlife Management Area and David City Ponds are added to the list of waters where the minimum length limit on black bass is 21 inches.

Striped Bass, White Bass and Striped Bass Hybrid – Wagon Train Reservoir is removed from the list of waters where the exception for bag limit is three fish in the daily bag.

Channel Catfish – Box Butte Reservoir is added to the list of waters where the bag may not include more than one fish 30 inches or greater in length.

Lake McConaughy – It is illegal to possess wipers on Lonergan Creek from its junction at the McConaughy lakeshore upstream to, and including, the culvert under Highway 92.

No Live Baitfish – DeFair Lake WMA in Grant County was added to the list of waters where it is illegal to use or possess live baitfish.

Anglers can read the 2022 Fishing Guide when it is available in January at OutdoorNebraska.org.


The post 2022 Fishing Guide appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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