
The Crayfish of Nebraska

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125 fathead minnows. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82(6): 917-921. 135. Larson, E.R., C.A. Busack, J.D. Anderson, J.D. Olden. 2010. Widespread distribution of the non- native northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis) in the Columbia River basin. Northwest Science 84(1): 108-111. 136. Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American freshwater fishes. North Carolina Museum of Natural History. 137. Letson, M.A. and J.C. Makarewicz. 1994. An experimental test of the crayfish (Orconectes immunis) as a control mechanism for submersed aquatic macrophytes. Lake and Reservoir Management 10(2): 127-132. 138. Li, C., M.L. Bessert, J. Macrander and G. Orti. 2009. Low variation but strong population structure in mitochrondrial control region of the plains topminnow, Fundulus sciadicus. Journal of Fish Biology (2009)74: 1037- 1048. 139. Lieb, D.A., R.W. Bouchard, R.F. Carline, T.R. Nuttall, J.R. Wallace and C.L. Burkholder. 2011. Conservation and management of crayfishes: lessons from Pennsylvania. Fisheries 36(10): 489-507. 140. Lippson, R.J. 1976. The distribution of the crayfishes of Michigan with aspects of their life cycle and physiology. PhD Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing. 141. Lodge, D.M. and J.G. Lorman. 1987. Reductions in submerged macrophyte biomass and species richness by the crayfish Orconectes rusticus. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 44(3): 591-597. 142. Lodge, D.M., C.A. Taylor, D.M. Holdich and J. Skurdal. 2000. Nonindigenous crayfishes threaten North American crayfish diversity: Lessons from Europe. Fisheries 25(8): 7-20. 143. Lodge, D.M., M.W. Kerschner, J.E. Aloi and A.P. Covich. 1994. Effects of an omnivorous crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) on a freshwater littoral food web. Ecology 75 (5): 1265-1281. 144. Lodge, D.M., T.K. Kratz and G.M. Capelli. 1986. Long-term dynamics of three crayfish species in Trout Lake, Wisconsin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 43: 993- 998. 145. Lorman, J.G. and J.J. Magnuson. 1978. The role of crayfishes in aquatic ecosystems. Fisheries 3(6): 8-10. 146. Loughman, Z. 2007. First record of Procambarus (Ortmannicus) acutus (White River Crayfish) in West Virginia, with notes on its natural history. Northeastern Naturalist 14(3): 495-500. 147. Love, J. and J.F. Savino. 1993. Crayfish (Orconectes virilis) predation on zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Journal of Freshwater Biology 8: 253-259. 148. Lowery, R.S. 1983. Growth, moulting and reproduction. Pages 83- 112 in D.M. Holdich and R.S. Lowery, eds. Freshwater Crayfish; biology, management, and exploitation. Croom Helm, London, UK.

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