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126 149. Lueninghoener, G.C. 1947. The Post-Kansan geologic history of the lower Platte Valley area. University of Nebraska Studies, New Series No. 2, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. 82 pages. 150. Magoulick, D.D. and R.J. DiStefano. 2007. Invasive crayfish Orconectes neglectus threatens native crayfishes in the Spring River drainage of Arkansas and Missouri. Southeastern Naturalist 6(1): 141-150. 151. Marlow, G. 1960. The subspecies of Cambarus diogenes. American Midland Naturalist 64(1): 229-250. 152. Marshall, J. 2002. Spatial ecology of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sisturus catenatus catenatus) in fen habitat. M.S. Thesis, Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. 153. Maude, S.H. and D.D. Williams. 1983. Behavior of crayfish in water currents: hydrodynamics of eight species with reference to their distribution patterns in southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 40(1): 68-77. 154. Mauger, D. and T.P. Wilson. 1999. Population characteristics and seasonal activity of Sisturus catenatus catenatus in Will County, Illinois: implications for management and monitoring. Pages 110- 124 In B. Johnson and M. Wright, eds. Second International Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, Sisturus catenatus catenatus: Population and Habitat Management Issues in Urban, Bog, Prairie and Forested Ecosystems. Toronto Zoo, Toronto, ON, Canada. 155. McAlpine, D.F., T.J. Fletcher, M.A. Osepchook and J.C. Savoie. 1999. A range extension for Orconectes virilis (Decapoda, Cambaridae) and a third crayfish species for New Brunswick, Canada. Crustaceana 72(3): 356-358. 156. McLaughlin, P.A., D.K. Camp, M.V. Angel, E.L. Bousfield, P. Brunel, R.C. Brusca, D. Cadien, A.C. Cohen, K. Conlan, L.G. Eldredge, D.L. Felder, J.W. Goy, T. Haney, B. Hann, R.W. Heard, E.A. Hendrycks, H.H. Hobbs III, J.R. Holsinger, B. Kensley, D.R. Laubitz, S.E. LeCroy, R. Lemaitre, R.F. Maddocks, J.W. Martin, P. Mikkelsen, E. Nelson, W.A. Newman, R.M. Overstreet, W.J. Poly, W.W. Price, J.W. Reid, A. Robertson, D.C. Rogers, A. Ross, M. Schotte, F. Schram, C. Shih, L. Watling, G.D.F. Wilson, and D.D. Turgeon. 2005. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Crustaceans. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 31: 545 pages. 157. McMahon, B.R. and J.J. Hankinson. 1993. Respiratory adaptations in burrowing crayfish. Freshwater Crayfish 9: 174-182. 158. Metcalf, A.L. and D.A. Distler. 1961. New distributional records for two species of crayfish. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 64(4): 353-356. 159. Metcalf, A.L. 1966. Fishes of the Kansas River system in relation to zoogeography of the Great Plains. University of Kansas Publications 17(3): 23-189.