
2022 Berggren Plan Web

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56 C2� Open Fields and Waters Program Increasing Hunter Access to Private Lands CONTINUE research in partnership with UNL on hunter use, success, and satisfaction on OFW lands to better deliver the program UNL conducted a comprehensive hunter use study on public access sites occurring within nine distinct regions of Nebraska. A variety of surveys were used to examine hunter demographics and preferences, temporal hunting pressure, harvest success, hunter satisfaction, and economic returns. The project concluded in 2018, resulted in numerous peer-reviewed publications, and the results have been incorporated into decision-making processes associated with the OFW Program, as well as NGPC land acquisition. BEGIN offering habitat upgrades in exchange for OFW access enrollment within pheasant focus areas Financial incentives offered to private landowners were (and continue to be) specifically tailored within each priority area to maximize landowner participation and wildlife benefits – each region has different challenges/drivers. In roughly half of the POAs, providing public access was required to qualify for habitat incentives. We have observed success using both methods but will be continually evaluating/updating these incentives to maximize impacts and meet our habitat and access objectives within each priority area. We are also beginning to utilize this technique to facilitate additional public access on conservation partner lands through cooperative agreements. BEGIN updating the OFW application scoring mechanism and payment scales to account for quality and placement of access based on the recent OFW Human Dimensions study NGPC is currently working on a strategic plan to help guide the future expansion of the agency's public access programs. This plan will help prioritize future enrollments to better meet the needs of our state's hunters and anglers. Future direction will largely be based on results from the OFW Human Dimensions and Hunter Use Surveys conducted by UNL. C3� Statutes and Regulations Affecting Controlled Shooting Areas (CSAs) D1� RDR Programs and Partnerships Affecting the Number of Potential Pheasant Hunters BEGIN creating a shared position to promote R3 activities and programs in partnership with our conservation partners NGPC provided funding for two new partnership positions to take the lead on various R3/RDR efforts delivered by the agency and our partners. One position is with the National Wild Turkey Federation (Hunting and Shooting R3 coordinator) and the other with Pheasants Forever (Outreach and Communications coordinator). BEGIN to identify and seek funding for four additional release sites near population centers Status update provided above in Section B6. ASSESS our budgetary capacity to support current and future pheasant release programs while concurrently supporting other programs benefiting pheasant hunters A federal aid grant secured in 2018 (that was recently extended in 2021) has helped the NGPC maintain pheasant releases on additional areas - in the past, federal aid dollars could not be used for pheasant releases. D2� Statutes and Regulations Affecting the Number of Potential Pheasant Hunters

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