Sampling Summaries

April 1, 2024 daryl bauer

Going to mention something today which many of you are already aware.  On the other hand, I know that not everyone knows because I continually answer questions about it.

You know about the annual Fishing Forecast:


For those of you who are interested in a little more information, information specific to individual waterbodies, make sure to check out our Sampling Summaries.


I will always tell you that the fish population sampling that fisheries biologists collect are indices.  Any one year’s data is not necessarily THE answer.  The best ways to view that information and evaluate the health of fish populations is by looking at years of data, by looking at trends.  Pretty much all of those sampling summaries display years of data for those waterbodies and provide some comment about that data from professional fisheries biologists.  That information is worth its weight in gold and will help any angler better understand the waters, and fish, they are pursuing.

We make that information available to the public.  We hope everyone takes advantage of it!


The post Sampling Summaries appeared first on Nebraskaland Magazine.

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