Nasty Rumors

April 22, 2016 daryl bauer

This ole “inter-webby” thing is a great tool for information and communication.  Where would we be without it?

Unfortunately, it is also a great source of misinformation and rumors.  You know what they say, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet”!

Recently, I have become aware of a particularly nasty rumor that has been making the rounds:

I categorically deny that this is a picture of me at my senior prom!


Everyone knows I would have much preferred a big, fat walleye!

Besides, I never went to prom; although it wasn’t for trying:


Here was the only response I got:


Come to think of it, that is my old high school in the background of that photo.  We lived across the street.

Yes, that was before I saw the catch & release light.

Have a great weekend everyone.  Don’t take life or yourself too seriously, and GO FISH!


Respect the Fish

The post Nasty Rumors appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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