negameandparks Nebraska Game and Parks negameandparks June 26, 2015

This year's Peregrine Falcon will be known as "Orozco" in dedication to the fallen Omaha Police Officer, Kerrie Orozco. Congratulations to all the winners of the "name-the-chick" contest! Pictured from left to right: NGPC Non-Game Bird Program Manager Joel Jorgensen, Senator Kate Bolz, Rebecca McCoy, Amanda Horner, Omaha Police Sergeant Matt Manhart, and NGPC Deputy Director Tim McCoy. #lnk #capitol #nebraska #falcon #falconry #peregrine #nature #wild #bird #birds #omaha #police #kerrieon

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How do you beat the #MondayBlues? Our furriest intern, Finn, likes to spend the day fishing!

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#FlashbackFriday to when the baby Peregrine Falcon was just a precious, little eyas! He has grown up so fas...