
The Crayfish of Nebraska

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129 192. Procop, G.W. 2009. North American Paragonimiasis (caused by Paragonimus kellicotti) in the context of global Paragonimiasis. Clinical Microbiological Review 22(3): 415-446. 193. Pryor, C.W. 1947. Serological comparisons of Astacuran crustacea. M.A. Thesis, University of Kansas. 194. Pryor, C.W. and C.A. Leone. 1952. Serological comparisons of Astacuran crustacea. Biological Bulletin 103(3): 433-445. 195. Rabeni, C.F. 1992. Trophic linkage between stream centrarchids and their crayfish prey. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 1714-1721. 196. Rafinesque, C.S. 1817. Synopsis of four new genera and ten new species of Crustacea, found in the United States. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Revue 2: 40-43. 197. Rathbun, M.J. 1902. Descriptions of new decapod crustaceans from the west coast of North America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 24:885-905. 198. Reimer, R.D. 1969. A report on the crawfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae) of Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 48: 49- 65. 199. Richardson, A.M.M. 2007. Behavioural ecology of semiterrestrial crayfish. Pages 319-339 in Duffy, J.E. and M. Thiel, eds. Evolutionary ecology of social and sexual systems: crustaceans as model organisms. Oxford University Press, New York. 520 pages. 200. Riegel, J.A. 1959. The systematics and distribution of crayfishes in California. California Fish and Game, 45(1): 29-50. 201. Roe, J.H., B.A. Kingsbury, and N.R. Herbert. 2003. Wetland and upland use patterns in semi-aquatic snakes: implications for wetland conservation. Wetlands 23 (4): 1003-1014. 202. Rogowski, D.L., S. Sitco and S.A. Bonar. 2009. Optimizing northern crayfish Orconectes virilis control methods in Arizona streams. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fisheries Research Report 02-09, 42 pages. 203. Rosenthal, S.K., S.S. Stevens and D.M. Lodge. 2006. Whole-lake effects of invasive crayfish (Orconectes spp.) and the potential for restoration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 1276-1285. 204. Savino, J.F. and J.E. Miller. 1991. Crayfish (Orconectes virilis) feeding on young lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush: effect of rock size. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 6(2): 161-170. 205. Schainost, S.C. 2011. The ringed crayfish, Orconectes neglectus neglectus, in Nebraska with a revision of it's distributional range. Nebraska Academy of Science 32:59-68. 206. Schram F. R. and J. C. von Vaupel Klein (eds.); Charmantier-Daures, M. and J. Forest (advisory eds.). 2010. Treatise on Zoology — Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology. The Crustacea. Volume 9, Part A. Eucarida: Euphausiacea, Amphionidacea, and

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