
The Crayfish of Nebraska

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Page 106 of 148

98 Devil crayfish, Cambarus diogenes This map shows that the Devil crayfish, Cambarus diogenes, is widespread in the central and eastern U.S. In contrast with the previous species, only the northern half of its range would have been affected by the ice during the Pleistocene. It also shows what other authors have suggested; that the glacial refugia for this species was in the southern portion of the Mississippi River basin. The map above shows the collection locations for the Devil crayfish in Nebraska. This is a burrowing species and are difficult to find so this may not fully represent their range here. Comparing the two maps above, it would seem that they prefer the glaciated areas. It also looks like they have followed the Missouri River upstream into Nebraska. Beyond that it is difficult to get a good picture of their path into the state as there is not enough information.

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