I was able to locate specimens of Nebraska
crayfishes in two museums; The National
Museum of Natural History and the Illinois
Natural History Survey. Access to their online
catalogs was much appreciated.
Over the years, I received crayfish specimens
from a number of Game and Parks personnel
including Andy Glidden, Al Hanson, Joe Rydell,
Tony Munter, Jeff Blaser, Gerry Coates, Darrel
Hartman, Dean Rosenthal, Jay Francis, Gerald
Mestl, Monte Madsen, Randy Winter and Scott
Wessel. Summer aides have assisted in the
collection of crayfishes when we were sampling
streams for fishes. These have included: Baxter
Poe, Josh Cloeter, Ryan McMahon, Kyle
Charron, Dave Adams, Josh Kreitman, Larry
Pape, Mike Wall, Cecilia King and Christopher
Dietrich. I thank Jamie Kelley of the Spring
Creek Prairie Audubon Center for the report and
photos of a Prairie crayfish.
The 2003-2005 statewide stream fishery survey
was conducted by students of the University of
Nebraska at Lincoln under the guidance of Dr.
Edward Peters. They preserved the crayfishes
that they collected which they allowed me to
examine and identify. The team leaders were
Tony Barada, Jesse Fischer and Dane Schuman
and I thank them. Other university personnel
who provided crayfishes included Dr. Richard
Stasiak (University of Nebraska at Omaha),
Chelsea Pasbrig (University of Nebraska at
Kearney) and Kelly Turek (University of
Nebraska at Lincoln).
Thank you all. I may have missed someone who
provided specimens to me. If so, I apologize.