
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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75 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS Tidwell, P. R., E. B. Webb, M. P. Vrtiska, and A. A. Bishop. 2013. Diets and food selection of female mallards and blue-winged teal during spring migration. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 4:63–74. Uden, D. R. 2012. Agricultural landuse change impacts on bioenergy production, avifauna, and water use in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Uden, D. R., M. L. Hellman, D. G. Angeler, and C. R. Allen 2014. The role of reserves and anthropogenic habitats for functional connectivity and resilience of ephemeral wetlands. Ecological Applications 24:1569– 1582. Uden, D. R., C. R. Allen, A. A. Bishop, R. Grosse, C. F. Jorgensen, T. G. LaGrange, R. G. Stutheit, and M. P. Vrtiska. 2015. Predictions of future ephemeral springtime waterbird stopover habitat availability under global change. Ecosphere 6:1–26. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service. 1986. North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Washington, D.C., USA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2007. Comprehensive Conservation Plan: Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District, Kearney, Nebraska, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, Mountain- Prairie Region, Lakewood, Colorado, USA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2011. Land Protection Plan – Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District expansion. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lakewood, Colorado, USA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, and Mexican Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, and Fisheries. 2012. North American Waterfowl Management Plan, 2012: People Conserving Waterfowl and Wetlands. Washington, D.C., USA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 1986. Rainwater Basin of Nebraska migratory bird habitat acquisition plan. 30. Verheijen, B., D. M. Varner, and D. A. Haukos. 2018. Effects of large-scale wetland loss on network connectivity of the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Landscape Ecology 33:1939–1951. VonBank, J. A. 2020. Migration, Movement, and Winter Ecology of Midcontinent Greater White-Fronted Geese. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA. Vrtiska, M. P., and S. Sullivan. 2009. Abundance and distribution of lesser snow and Ross's geese in the Rainwater Basin and central Platte River Valley of Nebraska. Great Plains Research 19:147–155. Walters, R. A. 2003. Evaluation of chemical and mechanical soil disturbance for controlling reed canary grass in south- central Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA. Webb, E. B., L. M. Smith, M. P. Vrtiska, and T. G. LaGrange. 2010. Effects of local and landscape variables on wetland bird habitat use during migration through the Rainwater Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:109–119. Webb, E. B., L. M. Smith, M. P. Vrtiska, and T. G. LaGrange. 2010. Community structure of wetland birds during migration through the Rainwater Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:765–777. Webb, E. B., L. M. Smith, M. P. Vrtiska, and T. G. LaGrange. 2011. Factors infl uencing behavior of wetland birds during spring migration in the Rainwater Basin. Waterbirds 34:457–467. Wilson, R. D. 2010. Evaluating hydroperiod response in the Rainwater Basin wetlands of south-central Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Windingstad, R. M., J. J. Hurt, A. K. Trout, and J. Cary. 1984. Avian cholera in Nebraska's Rainwater Basins. Transactions of North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 49:577–583. Xue, Y., Z. Tang, Q. Hu, and J. Drahota. 2019. Using the electromagnetic induction survey method to examine the depth to clay soil layer (Bt horizon) in playa wetlands. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20:556–570. Zhang, H. 2018. Wetland conservation effects result in enhanced playa functionality in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Zhang, H., Z. Tang, A. Bishop, J. Drahota, T. LaGrange, and D. Varner. 2019. Conservation signifi cantly improves wetland conditions: Evaluation of playa wetlands in different conservation status. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28:85–102. CENTRAL TABLE PLAYAS Flowerday, C. 2001. Huge 'meteorite crater' near Merna likely caused by wind, say NU scientists. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Resource Notes 15:11–13. Smeenk, N. A. 2019. Assessing the ecological condition of Nebraska's wetland resources and amphibian communities: An intensifi cation of the Environmental Protection Agency's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. SOUTHWEST PLAYAS Cariveau, A. B., and D. Pavlacky. 2009. Biological inventory and evaluation of conservation strategies in Southwest Playa wetlands. Final report to Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and Playa Lakes Joint Venture. Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Brighton, Colorado, USA. Cariveau, A. B., D. C. Pavlacky, A. A. Bishop, and T. G. LaGrange. 2011. Effects of surrounding land use on playa inundation following intense rainfall. Wetlands 31:65–73. Fowler, E. 2005. The Southwest Playas. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. October:38–45. LaGrange, T. Nebraska's Southwest Playa Wetlands. 2011. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. April:47. O'Connell, J. L., D. W. Daniel, S. T. McMurry, and L. M. Smith. 2015. Soil organic carbon in playas and adjacent prairies, cropland, and Conservation Reserve Program land of the High Plains, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 156:16–24. Rolfsmeier, S. B. 1992. A preliminary survey of the vegetation of the playa wetlands of Deuel, Keith, and Perkins counties in southwest Nebraska. Report to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Smeenk, N. A. 2019. Assessing the ecological condition of Nebraska's wetland resources and amphibian communities: An intensifi cation of the Environmental Protection Agency's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. TODD VALLEY Jorgensen, J. G., and S. J. Brenner. 2020. Migratory shorebird, waterfowl and waterbird use of wetlands in the Todd Valley, Nebraska. Nongame Bird Program, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Lueninghoener, G. C. 1947. The post- Kansan geologic history of the Lower Platte Valley area. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Studies No. 2:82. SANDHILLS Adane, Z. A., P. Nasta, V. A. Zlotnik, and D. A. Wedin. 2018. Impact of grassland conversion to forest on groundwater recharge in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 15:171–183. Befus, K. M., M. B. Cardenas, J. B. Ong, and V. A. Zlotnik. 2012. Classifi cation and delineation of groundwater–lake interactions in the Nebraska Sand Hills (USA) using electrical resistivity patterns. Hydrogeology Journal 20:1483–1495. Bellrose, F.C. 1980. Ducks, geese, and swans of North America. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

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