
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS of whooping crane habitat in Nebraska. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Riens, J. R. 2009. Assessment of macroinvertebrates, water quality, and pollution risk modeling in playa wetlands of Rainwater Basin waterfowl production areas. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA. Riens, J. R., M. S. Schwarz, F. Mustafa, and W. W. Hoback. 2013. Aquatic macroinvertebrate communities and water quality at buffered and non-buffered wetland sites on federal waterfowl production areas in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Wetlands 33:1025–1036. Robichaux, R. M. 2010. Correlating climate with late-winter wetland habitat in the Rainwater Basin, south-central Nebraska. Thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA. Robichaux, R. M., and L. B. M. Harrington. 2009. Environmental conditions, irrigation reuse pits, and the need for restoration in the Rainwater Basin wetland complex, Nebraska. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 32:217–225. Rolfsmeier, S. B. 1992. A preliminary survey of the vegetation of the playa wetlands of Deuel, Keith, and Perkins counties in southwest Nebraska. Report to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Rundquist, B. 1990. Wetlands in the Rainwater Basin: Benefi ts are in the eye of the beholder. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Resource Notes 5:11–15. Schepker, T. J. 2017. Evaluating the relationship between local food availability and wetland landscape structure in determining dabbling duck habitat use during spring migration. Thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA. Schepker, T. J., T. LaGrange, and E. B. Webb. 2018. Are waterfowl food resources limited during spring migration? A bioenergetic assessment of playas in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. Wetlands 39:173–184. Schepker, T. J., E. B. Webb, D. Tillitt, and T. LaGrange. 2019. Neonicotinoid insecticide concentrations in agricultural wetlands and associations with aquatic invertebrate communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 287. http://doi.org/10.1016/j. agee.2019.106678. Schildman, G., and J. Hurt. 1984. Update of Rainwater Basin Wetland survey. Survey of habitat work plan K-83. W-15-R-40. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Schoengold, K., and H. P. Jones. 2019. The economic feasibility of variable rate irrigation technology for wetland restoration. University of Nebraska-Lincoln NebGuide G2318. Sharpe, R. S., W. R. Silcock, and J. G. Jorgensen. 2001. Birds of Nebraska: Their distribution and temporal occurrence. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, USA. Sherfy, M. H., M. J. Anteau, and A. A. Bishop. 2011. Agricultural practices and residual corn during spring crane and waterfowl migration in Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:995–1003. Smeenk, N. A. 2019. Assessing the ecological condition of Nebraska's wetland resources and amphibian communities: An intensifi cation of the Environmental Protection Agency's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Smith, B. J., K. F. Higgins, and C.F. Gritzner. 1989. Land use relationships to avian cholera outbreaks in the Nebraska Rainwater Basin area. Prairie Naturalist 21:125–136. Smith, B. J., and K. F. Higgins. 1990. Avian cholera and temporal changes in wetland numbers and densities in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin area. Wetlands 10:1–5. Smith, B. J., K. F. Higgins, and W. L. Tucker. 1990. Precipitation, waterfowl densities and mycotoxins: their potential effect on avian cholera epizootics in the Nebraska Rainwater Basin area. Transactions of North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 55:269–282. Smith, L. M. 1998. Research needs for the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska: A hierarchical approach. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Smith, L. M. 2003. Playas of the Great Plains. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas, USA. Smith, L. M., D. A. Haukos, S. T. McMurry, T. LaGrange, and D. Willis. 2011. Ecosystem services provided by playa wetlands in the High Plains: Potential infl uences of USDA conservation programs and practices. Ecological Applications 21:S82–S92. Starks, P. J. 1984. Analysis of rain basin depressions of Clay County, Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA. Stutheit, R. 1988. Occurrence of Ross's geese (Chen rossii) detected from avian cholera losses. Nebraska Bird Review 56:44–46. Stutheit, R. G. 1988. Work Plan S-87, Mortality and disease investigations. W-15-R-44. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Stutheit, R. G. 2004. Getting the mud out (silt removal to restore Rainwater Basins). NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. April:30–33. Stutheit, R. G., M. C. Gilbert, P. M. Whited, and K. L. Lawrence, editors. 2004. A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Rainwater Basin depressional wetlands in Nebraska. erdc/ el tr-04-4. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA. Swanson, L. D. 1986. The profi tability of wetland drainage in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska, prepared for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII, Kansas City, Kansas, USA. Tang, Z., X. Li, and E. Harvey. 2011. Developing LiDAR-derived wetland maps to assess conservation design practices for playa wetlands in Rainwater Basin. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for grant # 97723501. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Tang, Z. X. Li, N. Zhao, R. Li, and E. F. Harvey. 2012. Developing a restorable wetland index for Rainwater Basin wetlands in south-central Nebraska: A multi-criteria spatial analysis. Wetlands 32:975–984. Tang, Z., R. Li, X. Li, W. Jiang, and A. Hirsh. 2014. Capturing LiDAR-derived hydrologic spatial parameters to evaluate playa wetlands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50:234–245. Tang, Z. Y. Gu, Z. Dai, Y. Li, T. LaGrange, A. Bishop, and J. Drahota. 2015. Examining playa wetland inundation conditions for National Wetland Inventory, Soil Survey Geographic Database, and LiDAR data. Wetlands 35:641–654. Tang, Z., Y. Gu, J. Drahota, T. LaGrange, A. Bishop, and M. Kuzila. 2015. Using fl y ash as a marker to quantify culturally-accelerated sediment accumulation in playa wetlands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51:1643–1655. Tang Z., Y. Gu, W. Jiang, Y. Xue, A. Bishop, T. LaGrange, and E. Nugent. 2016. Use RUSLE2 Model to assess the impact of soil erosion on playa inundation and hydrophyte conditions in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188:319. Tang, Z, Y. Li, Y. Gu, W. Jiang, Y. Xue, Q. Hu, T. LaGrange, A. Bishop, J. Drahota, and R. Li. 2016. Assessing Nebraska playa wetland inundation status during 1985–2015 using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 188:654. Tang, Z., J. Drahota, Q. Hu, and W. Jiang. 2017. Examining playa wetland contemporary conditions in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Wetlands 38:25-36. Tidwell, P. R. 2010. Nutrient reserves, food preferences and mass change of waterfowl migrating through the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska. Thesis, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, USA.

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