
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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73 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS A review of current knowledge and issues. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Li, R., Z. Tang, X. Li, and J. Winter. 2013. Drainage structure dataset and its effects on LiDAR-derived surface fl ow modeling. International Journal of Geo-Information 2:1136–1152. Lotz, A., and C. R. Allen. 2007. Observer bias in anuran call surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 675–679. Lueninghoener, G. C. 1947. The post- Kansan geologic history of the Lower Platte Valley area. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Studies No. 2:82. McCarty, J. P., J. G. Jorgensen, and L. L. Wolfenbarger. 2009. Behavior of buff- breasted sandpipers (Tryngites subrufi collis) during migratory stopover in agricultural fi elds. PLoS One 4(11):e8000 1-5. McCarty, J. P., J. G. Jorgensen, J. M. Michaud, and L. L. Wolfenbarger. 2015. Buff- breasted sandpiper stopover duration in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska, in relation to the temporal and spatial migration patterns in the Great Plains of North America. Wader Study 122:243–254. McMurtrey, M. D., R. Craig, and G. Schildman. 1972. Nebraska wetland survey. Habitat Work Plan K-71. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Melcher, C. P., and S. K. Skagen. 2005. Grass buffers for playas in agricultural landscapes: A literature synthesis. U.S. Geological Survey. Biological Resources Discipline, Open-File Report 2005-1220:35. Fort Collins Science Center, Colorado, USA. Melcher, C. P., and S. K. Skagen. 2005. Grass buffers for playas in agricultural landscapes: An annotated bibliography. U.S. Geological Survey. Biological Resources Discipline, Open-File Report 2005-1221:46. Fort Collins Science Center, Colorado, USA. Merchant, J. W., and P. R. Dappen. 2010. Employing a geographic information system for wetlands management in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. Pages 103–118 in N. Hoalst-Pullen and M. W. Patterson, editors. Geospatial Technologies in Environmental Management. Springer, New York, New York, USA. Mimbs, W. H., J. Patrick, W. Cusaac, L. M. Smith, S. T. McMurry, and J. B. Belden. 2016. Occurrence of current-use fungicides and bifenthrin in Rainwater Basin wetlands. Chemosphere 159:275–281. Mollhoff, W. J. 2001. The Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas, 1984-89. Nebraska Ornithologist's Union Occasional Papers No. 7. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Mollhoff, W. J. 2016. The Second Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas. University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Nicolai, N., and J. L. Stubbendieck. 2009. Alternative methods for wetland restoration in the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska. Agronomy and Horticulture – Faculty Publications, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/ agronomyfacpub/534. Nugent, E., A. Bishop, R. Grosse, T. LaGrange, D. Varner, and M. Vrtiska. 2015. An assessment of landscape carrying capacity for waterfowl and shorebirds in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. A conservation effects assessment project wildlife component assessment report. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Wood River, Nebraska, USA. O'Connell, J. L., L. A. Johnson, L. M. Smith, S. T. McMurry, and D. A. Haukos. 2011. Infl uence of land-use and conservation programs on wetland plant communities of the semiarid United States Great Plains. Biological Conservation 146:108–115. O'Connell, J. L., D. W. Daniel, S. T. McMurry, and L. M. Smith. 2015. Soil organic carbon in playas and adjacent prairies, cropland, and Conservation Reserve Program land of the High Plains, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 156:16–24. Park, C. N. 2017. Evaluating how wetland presence and restoration effects landscape and resource use of pollinator communities in an agricultural matrix. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA. Park, C. N., L. M. Overall, L. M. Smith, T. LaGrange, and S. McMurry. 2017. Melittofauna and other potential pollinators in wetland and uplands in south central Nebraska (Insecta: Apoidea). Zootaxa 4242:255–280. Pearse, A. T., G. L. Krapu, D. A. Brandt, and P. J. Kinzel. 2010. Changes in agriculture and abundance of snow geese affect carrying capacity of sandhill cranes in Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:479–488. Pearse, A. T., G. L. Krapu, R. R. Cox, Jr., and B. E. Davis. 2011. Spring-migration ecology of northern pintails in south-central Nebraska. Waterbirds 34:10–18. Pearse, A. T., R. T. Alisauskus, G. L. Krapu, R. R. Cox, Jr. 2011. Changes in nutrient dynamics of midcontinent greater white- fronted geese during spring migration. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1716– 1723. Pearse, A. T., G. L. Krapu, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2013. Comparative spring-staging ecology of sympatric arctic-nesting geese in south-central Nebraska. American Midland Naturalist 169:371–381. Pfost, M. A. 2008. Do behavior and abundance of spring-staging ducks vary with road proximity to wetlands in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin? Thesis, University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA. Poor, J. P. 1997. The value of additional Central Flyway wetlands in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin - Three essays. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Poor, J. P. 1999. The value of additional Central Flyway wetlands: The case of Nebraska's Rainwater Basin wetlands. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 24:253–265. Post van der Burg, M. 2005. Factors affecting songbird nest survival and brood parasitism in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Raines, R. R., M. C. Gilbert, R. A. Gersib, W. S. Rosier, and K. F. Dinan. 1990. Regulatory planning for Nebraska's Rainwater Basin wetlands (advanced identifi cation of disposal areas). Prepared for the Rainwater Basin advanced identifi cation study. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII, Kansas City, Kansas and U.S. Army Engineer District, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 1993. Water management options for wetland development in the Rainwater Basin. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 1994. Best management practices for Rainwater Basin wetlands. Public Lands Work Group, Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2013a. The Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Implementation Plan. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2013b. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Waterfowl Plan. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2013c. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Shorebird Plan. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2013d. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Waterbird Plan. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2014. Implementation plan for the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture: A summary. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Public Lands Workgroup. 2016. Best management practices for Rainwater Basin wetlands. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Report, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. 2017. Best management practices for Rainwater Basin wetlands – A summary document. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Reichert, A. L. 1999. Multiple scale analyses

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