
2018 Quick Reference Guide

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

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operating activities that are not self-supporting (primarily operations of the state park system and nongame and endangered species activities); administrative activities that are general in nature, applicable to the entire agency and difficult to prorate among the various other funding sources; and activities that extend beyond the statutory use of the various cash funds. Game Fund derives its revenues from a variety of sources, including hunting and fishing permit sales, Federal Aid reimbursements and interest earnings. This fund is the agency's largest source of funding and is the primary funding source for fish and wildlife activities. Park Fund is the agency's second largest source of funding. It is used to improve, maintain and operate areas within the state park system. Major revenue sources include camping and lodging fees, park entry permit sales, restaurant and food services and other park facility use fees. Federal Grants are the agency's third largest "cash" funding sources. They include reimbursable and direct grants. Habitat Funds include terrestrial and aquatic funds. They are supported primarily from the sale of the stamps tied to hunting and fishing activities, respectively. Nebraska Outdoor Recreational Development Act Fund is restricted to the development, operation and maintenance of areas of the state park system. The primary source of revenue is the Nebraska Tobacco Products Tax. The portion of the tax earmarked for NORDA is the equivalent of one cent on a conventional package of cigarettes. This fund is critical to the development and maintenance of the state park buildings and amenities infrastructure. State Park Improvement and Maintenance Fund is to be used to build, repair, rehabilitate, modify, or improve any infrastructure in the state park system. Game and Parks Capital Maintenance Fund is to be used to build, repair, rehabilitate, modify, or improve any infrastructure within the statutory authority and administration of the Commission. Administra- tion $5.5 M (6%) Law Enforcement $6.5 M (7%) Fishing Permits and Stamps $7.1 M (7%) Federal and State Grant Reimbursements $11.5 M (11%) Park Entry Permits $8 M (8%) Venture Parks Donations $9.6 M (9%) Motor- boat, ATV and UTV Sales Tax $4.4 M (4%) Capital $21.1 M (23%) Fisheries $7 M (8%) Communi- cations $4.3 M (5%) Planning, Engineer- ing and Construc- tion $4 M (4%) Concessions and Admissions $2.1 M (2%) Investment Income $1.8 M (2%) Others $5.4 M (5%) Tobacco Products Tax Donations Boat Registrations Food Services Resale Items Publications Land Use Leases Sale of Surplus Property Miscellaneous $2 M (2%)

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