I thank Bill Posey of the Arkansas
Game and Fish Commission for the
loan of the shells of several species of
mussel (Bleufer, Fatmucket,
Hickorynut, Mucket) which I could
study and photograph. I thank Ellet
Hoke for stimulating my interest in
learning all I could about Nebraska's
freshwater mussel fauna. I thank
Ellet, Keith Perkins and Dr. Kevin
Cummings for their help in identifying
mussel shell. I thank Gayle Carlson
and Amy Koch of the Nebraska State
Historical Society, Division of
Archeology, for giving me the
opportunity to examine and
photograph mussel shell that had been
collected from several archeological
excavations. I thank Dr. Barbara
Hayford of the A. Jewell Schock
Museum at Wayne State College for
permission to view their mussel
collection. I appreciate all the help
from NGPC personnel who took the
time to pick up shell and send them to
me. It is to be hoped that we both
learned something new from the
exchange. I thank Kelly Turek and
the UNL folks for their work on Shell
Creek, in finding and documenting a
diverse and healthy mussel
assemblage. I thank the UNL crews
headed up by Dane Shuman, Tony
Barada and Jesse Fischer who led the
teams that collected mussels during
the 2003-2005 stream fishery survey.
I also thank Dr. Kevin Cummings of
the Illinois Natural History Survey for
the use of the photographs of the
Scaleshell and the Creek heelsplitter.