
Hunting Guide 2016

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Issue link: http://digital.outdoornebraska.gov/i/707958

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8 | Hunting Info: 402-471-0641 Deployed Military • A Nebraska resident who is or has been deployed out of the state with a branch of the United States military within the last 12 months shall, upon returning to the state, be entitled to receive an annual combination hunt-sh permit (which includes all state stamps) on a one-time basis for $5. • Eligible Nebraska residents, upon application, must provide Game and Parks, at its headquarters or district or Omaha ofces, a copy of their ofcial deployment orders, verifying the resident was deployed out of state within the past 12 months. Lifetime • Available for hunting, hunt/sh combination and fur harvest (residents only) permits. • A $100 Lifetime Aquatic Habitat Stamp is included in the cost of all lifetime shing and hunt/sh combination permits. MORE ON PERMITS AND STAMPS • Permits and stamps are valid for the calendar year as dated and paper permits must be signed by the permit holder to be valid. • Military personnel and full-time students stationed or attending school in Nebraska for more than 30 days may obtain a resident permit. • Nonresident fur harvest permits may be issued only to residents of states that sell similar permits to Nebraska residents. They cannot be purchased online. These permits may only be purchased at Game and Parks' Lincoln ofce. Call 402-471-5455. • It is unlawful to lend or transfer a permit to another person or to borrow a permit from another person. MOBILE PERMITS Nebraska hunt (small game), sh, resident fur harvest permits, and associated stamps may be purchased, accessed or displayed on a mobile device. The image of a mobile permit may be displayed and saved on a device such as a phone or tablet. Visit OutdoorNebraska.org for more information. PERMIT REVOCATION Under Nebraska law, hunting privileges may be revoked for some game law and court-determined violations. This could include certain one-time offenses by individuals or repeated violations by habitual offenders. Any person whose privilege to hunt, sh or harvest fur has been suspended or revoked in another jurisdiction within the United States or Canada also shall be prohibited from obtaining a permit for such activity in Nebraska for the duration of the suspension.

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