
Fishing the Sandhills Guide

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Page 7 of 19

The Sandhills is a 19,000-acre area of grass-stabilized sand dunes that covers one fourth of Nebraska and is rich in ranchland. Between the dunes, wetlands fed by groundwater cover 1.3 million acres, including about 1,600 natural lakes 10 acres or larger, 225 of which support fish. The Sandhills Region NEBRASKAland Magazine • Fishing the Sandhills BOTTOM MAP BY TIM REIGERT. TOP MAP BY TRISHA SCHLAKE-IT GIS APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER. Valentine Walgren Lake SRA Cottonwood Lake SRA Cottonwood- Steverson Lake WMA East Hyannis Lake DeFair Lake WMA Home Valley Lake Smith Lake WMA Lord Lakes Merritt Reservoir Frye Lake WMA Long Lake SRA Tower Lake Clear Lake Cozad Lake Willow Lake WMA Shell Lake WMA Ainsworth Long Pine Brewster Alliance Ogallala Oshkosh Thedford Mullen Lakeside Hay Springs Rushville Gordon Merriman Cody Hyannis Ellsworth North Platte ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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