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Bobbers help keep bait suspended off the bottom and also provide an indication of when a fi sh takes your bait. The position of the fl oat on the line can be adjusted to put your bait at a specifi c depth below the surface. BOBBERS SLIP SINKERS Slip sinkers are threaded onto the line and can slide up and down on the line. They can be round, bullet shaped or egg shaped. Slip sinkers allow the line to slide through the sinker when a fi sh takes the bait, so it does not feel unnatural pressure from the sinker. This makes it more likely for the fi sh to keep and swim off with the bait, allowing anglers time to set the hook. Slip sinkers are often held on the line at a distance from the hook using a split shot or barrel swivel. 12 – 18" Slip sinker Swivel SLIP BOBBERS Slip bobbers are designed to slide along the line, allowing the angler more options for setting the depth of the bait. Because the line can slide through the bobber, the hook will continue to sink when cast until the line hits the bobber stop. With fi xed bobbers, the hook can only sink as deep as the length of the line between it and the bobber. Slip bobbers should be used with a bobber stop (a round bead that goes above the fl oat and a stop knot which is positioned above the bead) to limit the movement up the line and a split shot (at a distance above the hook) to prevent the bobber from sliding all the way to the hook. ARTWORK BY TIM REIGERT ARTWORK BY TIM REIGERT CLIP-ON BOBBERS Clip-on bobbers are usually round and have a button on one side that extends a hook to the opposite side where the line can be attached. The button can also be depressed exposing a second hook to secure the line to. Clip on bobbers are attached to line in a fi xed position and the hook and weight dangle freely below the bobber. Clip on bobbers need be no larger than 1 inch in diameter and are a good choice for new anglers. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CHAPTER 2 ● EQUIPMENT