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Author Henry David Thoreau observed that "many men go fi shing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fi sh they are after." Consider your own motivation to fi sh. It can be to catch a meal, to be with friends, to compete for the most or biggest fi sh, to teach a child a new activity or to get away from the stresses of life and just spend time doing almost nothing. Defi ning why you want to fi sh will give you purpose to actually go fi shing. Look upon every fi shing trip as an occasion for hope. There will be some days where the fi sh will bite on a bare hook, and these will be fantastically memorable. Be prepared for good days by having a camera to capture the memory. Be prepared for the others by having an expectation that there will be good days to come, and have an alternative plan to make the trip fun. Pack a lunch, take along a book, go for a hike, look for frogs, stop by a local restaurant for a fi sh dinner — use the opportunity of going fi shing as a point of departure for any type of fun and you will never be disappointed. The essentials for fi shing are really quite simple. Don't get tangled up in and frustrated by the equipment. A stick and string or inexpensive rod and reel, a supply of small hooks and weights and a few bobbers are all that is needed. Even the bait can be simple by using cheap pantry items like corn, lunchmeat or bread. Keep it simple and as you gain experience, experiment with advanced techniques and equipment. To know where, when and exactly how to catch a fi sh on any given day is the secret to catching fi sh. The best way to learn is to study and observe. The fi rst thing you will discover is that there are no secrets. Fishermen are generally more than willing to "give up" what is working, and what works changes from day to day. The most helpful tips are the basic information that can be found in this book. When in doubt or if you want to learn more, call the offi ce of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission CHAPTER 1 GOING FISHING Fishing is fun — if you allow it to be. With the correct motivation, expectations, equipment and knowledge, a fi shing trip can be a rewarding experience. Whether it is with family, friends or as a way to get away by oneself, the memories and health benefi ts created by time outdoors are invaluable. We encourage you to try your luck at fi shing and use this guide as a resource to answer your questions on why, when, what, how and where. PHOTOS BY DOUG CARROLL, JULIE GEISER, AND ERIC FOWLER 4 CHAPTER 1 ● GOING FISHING