Message from the Shoot Director
Greetings shooters and fans!
Welcome to the 46th Annual Cornhusker
Trapshoot, the largest shoot of its kind in the nation.
This is the time of year when the small town of
Doniphan (population 843) swells to approximately
10,000 as some 2,500 shooters, as well as their
coaches, families and friends, visit the Nebraska
Trapshooting Association's (NTA) home grounds to
vie for bragging rights, medals and trophies during
what may well be the youth shooting sports "Greatest
Show on Earth."
The participants at this event are some of the finest
young people in Nebraska and surrounding states.
Their safety record is exemplary and the sportsmanship
they exhibit is to be commended and admired by all.
This pamphlet should contain all the information
you need to know about this year's event. Junior high
school competitors and their coaches should take
special note of the time limit being used to help the
event run smoother. Squads will run every 55 minutes,
not 60 minutes. High school competitors will be using
the same 75-target event and time limit as last year.
When coaches check-in at registration, they will
receive a shooter's bag for each participant. Each bag
will include various items from sponsors and donors.
Their vest pin and raffle ticket are just a couple items
found in the bags.
As always, many thanks to the NTA and all the
donors and volunteers who help make this wonderful
event a reality each year.
Good luck to everyone. Shoot straight and have fun!
Terry Brentzel
Top three male shooters:
Nathan Arnold from Creighton Prep,
Lumir Drahota from Mt. Michael and
Bradyn Snell from Gibbon