
Nebraska Trail Planning Guide

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TRAIL PLANNING RESOURCES American Canoe Association (ACA): Provides educational programs, supports stewardship initiatives that affect paddlers, and offers competition opportunities to athletes of all abilities. americancanoe.org American Trails: The mission of American trails is to advance the development of diverse, high-quality trails and greenways. Through collaboration, education, and communication, they raise awareness of the value of trails. americantrails.org American Trails Resource Library: Contains resources for all aspects of trail planning, development, and maintenance. americantrails.org/resource-library American Trails Webinar Archive: Free webinars going over a variety of trail planning, maintenance, and development topics. americantrails.org/training/webinarArchive Bike Walk Nebraska: Bike Walk Nebraska cultivates and supports safe and accessible active transportation across our state by leading sound policy and advocating for best practices. We work across sectors in partnership with elected officials, municipalities, and organizations to ensure that biking and walking – whether for transportation or recreation – works for all Nebraskans. The Bike Walk Nebraska website contains a great list of trail and user advocacy groups, clubs, and organizations. bikewalknebraska.org Conservation and Environmental Review Tool (CERT): The CERT provides conservation information on biological diversity, protected lands and other natural resources for planning purposes. It also allows users to submit proposed projects for review of potential impacts to threatened and endangered species. cert.outdoornebraska.gov Federal Highway Administration Recreational Trails Program (FHWA RTP) webpage: National level program guidance, annual reports, and program overview. www.fhwa.dot.gov/ environment/recreational_trails Great Plains Trails Network: The Great Plains Trails Network is a group of citizens who advocate and support a network of trails in and around Lancaster County, Nebraska, for jogging, biking, walking, and horseback riding. gptn.org Headwaters Economics – Library of Trails Benefits: This Trails Benefits Library is a collection of studies on the positive impacts of trails on businesses, public health, and quality of life. You can search by type of benefit, use, year, and region. headwaterseconomics.org/trail History Nebraska: The Nebraska State Archeology Office within History Nebraska preserves, explores, and interprets Nebraska's archaeological sites and other historic resources for the benefit of the public. Check out their programs and services for more information. history.nebraska.gov/archeology International Association for Public Participation: IAP2 USA is a nationwide organization that leads, advances and advocates for best practices in public participation. It is a home and community for people who believe good decisions can be made together. iap2usa.org International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA): Provides grants, training, and assistance to trail builders. imba.com/explore-imba/ trail-creation-and-enhancement Mountain Bike Trail Development – Guidelines for Successfully Managing the Process: Guide written for land managers who have the responsibility of brining bike-optimized mountain bike trails to their communities. Released in 2023, this guide is solely focused on mountain biking and the unique aspects that the activity brings to the park planning process. imba.com/resource/ mountain-bike-trail-development-guidelines National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, assistance web page: Information and initiatives for land managers, club leaders and heavily engaged enthusiasts. nohvcc.org/assistance 39

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