
Big Game Guide 2024 web

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PUBLIC ACCESS ATLAS There are more than a million acres of publicly accessible lands throughout Nebraska. The Public Access Atlas identifies and consolidates these public access resources for the benefit of Nebraska's hunters, trappers and anglers. The printed atlas is available wherever hunting and fishing permits are sold. Scan the QR code to view the alas. It also may be viewed at OutdoorNebraska.gov. Search "Public Access Atlas." 30 | Big Game Info: 402-471-0641 Where to Hunt PRIVATE LANDS It is the responsibility of every hunter to get permission to hunt, trail game or retrieve downed game on private land, whether the boundary is posted or not, including railroad right-of-ways. Hunting without permission may result in a fine of up to $500, three months in jail and the loss of hunting privileges for up to three years. PUBLIC LANDS The Public Access Atlas lists more than 300 publicly owned areas. Refer to the atlas for area-specific regulations. Unless otherwise posted, big game hunting is allowed on all wildlife management areas. Hunting is allowed on most state recreation areas beginning the Tuesday following Labor Day, with hunting prohibited within 100 yards of any public use facility or activity area. Some areas have specific restrictions: • Nebraska state parks, wayside areas, hatcheries, reserves, and state refuges are closed to hunting unless otherwise posted. • Use of ATVs and UTVs is not allowed on public lands unless specifically permitted by the managing agency. • Most national wildlife refuges managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and national forests and grasslands managed by the U.S. Forest Service are open to hunting, unless otherwise posted. OPEN FIELDS AND WATERS PROGRAM The Open Fields and Waters Program has opened 388,000 acres of private land to public walk-in hunting access across Nebraska. This voluntary program offers financial incentives to landowners willing to allow public walk-in access for hunting, trapping and/or fishing. NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides hunting opportunities on many of their refuges. See fws.gov/program/national-wildlife-refuge-system to see regulations for each specific refuge. TRAVEL ON U.S. FOREST SERVICE LAND Visit fs.usda.gov/nebraska for information about traveling on U.S. Forest Service land in Nebraska. This includes the Pine Ridge and Bessey Ranger Districts of Nebraska National Forest, McKelvie National Forest, and Oglala National Grasslands. HUNTING ON NATIONAL PARK SERVICE LAND Visit nps.gov/mnrr/planyourvisit/hunting.htm for information about big game hunting on National Park Service land in Nebraska.

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