
Big Game Guide 2024 web

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34 | Big Game Info: 402-471-0641 RECOVERING DEER Tracking dogs may be used to recover deer. Landowner permission is required to track or recover deer on private land. SHOOTING HOURS It is legal to hunt big game 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes following sunset. HUNTER ORANGE Any people hunting antelope, elk, mountain (bighorn) sheep, or deer under the authority of a firearm permit during an authorized firearm season must display on his or her head, chest and back at least 400 square inches of hunter orange material. Hunter orange requirements also apply while hunting under the authority of a muzzleloader permit during muzzleloader seasons. Archery deer hunters must do the same while archery hunting during the November firearm deer season and during the late antlerless seasons. Firearm hunters during the Special Landowner Deer Season must wear hunter orange; archery hunters are exempt. HUNTING NEAR DWELLINGS 200-Yard Rule: It is unlawful to hunt any form of wild mammal or wild bird with a rifle within a 200-yard radius of an inhabited dwelling or livestock feedlot, unless permission to do so has been granted by the owner or tenant of that dwelling or feedlot. 100-Yard Rule: It is unlawful to hunt any form of wild mammal or wild bird with archery equipment, handgun or shotgun within a 100-yard radius of an inhabited dwelling or livestock feedlot, unless permission to do so has been granted by the owner or tenant of that dwelling or feedlot. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The following are penalties for illegally killing big game in Nebraska. • Bighorn Sheep — $25,000 • Elk — Bull, 12 points or more, $10,000; other elk — $3,000 • White-tailed Deer — 8 points or more with 16-inch spread — $10,000; other antlered bucks — $2,000; antlerless — $500 • Mule Deer — 8 points or more with 22-inch spread — $10,000; other mule deer — $2,000 • Antelope — Buck with 14-inch horn length — $5,000; other antelope — $1,500 • Mountain Lion — $5,000 • Bear or Moose — $1,500 TURKEY HUNTING Turkey hunting is legal during the November firearm deer season. People hunting with a fall turkey permit are required to wear hunter orange when hunting during the November firearm deer season. Legal weapons include shotgun and archery only; rifles are not allowed. Electronic calls are illegal. FIREARM RESTRICTION During the November firearm deer season, only hunters with a valid unfilled firearm deer permit may hunt wildlife other than deer with centerfire rifles or centerfire handguns, provided they are hunting in the management unit for which their deer permit is valid.

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