
Focus on the Future: Strategic Plan 2023-2025

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

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The Mission, Vision and Values of the agency allow for the team to identify how they fit in to the "big picture" of the organization. The work done in this agency is tremendous, far reaching and varied. Our mission statement is a concise explanation of the organization's purpose and overall intention. It supports the vision of the plan and serves to communicate purpose and direction to our team, our customers and our stakeholders. Our vision for this plan includes where we are going and what we want our mission ultimately to achieve for ourselves, our customers and society. Our values include what we stand for and the belief we have to carry out our goals. These values define who we are and are the compass that guides our agency into the future. For Game and Parks, the following are some of our defining moments, which include challenges and successes. We can be proud of our response to these moments, build upon skills and knowledge gained from them, and use them to identify where we want to go. • COVID-19 pandemic — Public interest in our outdoor spaces surged because they were a safe place, but the high attendance challenged our short-staffed team. • Wildlife populations — In the early 1900's, otters, deer, turkeys, mountain lions, sheep, and geese were decimated; now they are flourishing. • Laws — State and federal laws on endangered species, park permits and clean water created a platform for the Commission's relevance in the Legislature. • Environmental impacts — Floods, droughts and other environmental issues point to the importance of ecosystems and connection of natural resources to people and the NGPC's work. • Finances — In the 1970's, the state faced a challenging financial picture. With more limited general funding, we started to rely more heavily on a user-pay system. • Perception — People do not always see our work as a "success" (e.g., increased deer and elk populations relate to depredation issues). OUR VISION, MISSION AND VALUES DEFINING MOMENTS Integrity We believe in operating openly and holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Accountability We believe we are responsible to current and future generations for the resources we protect and conserve. Balance We believe in earnestly considering the needs and perspectives of the people we serve and the resources we protect and conserve. Stewardship We believe in responsibly managing the resources entrusted to our care. O U R VA L U E S 10

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