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30 | Fishing Info: 402-471-0641 Aquatic Invasive Species AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PROGRAM Aquatic invasive species fees collected from boaters fund the Aquatic Invasive Species Program in Nebraska. These fees pay for programs to educate the public about AIS, prevention efforts to keep AIS from being introduced into Nebraska, such as monitoring waters across the state; inspection and decontamination of conveyances; treatment for AIS populations; and other AIS projects as needed. AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES PREVENTION Aquatic Invasive Species – Any waterborne, non-native organism that threatens the diversity or abundance of native species, the ecological stability of impacted waters, or commercial, agricultural, aquacultural or recreational activities. Impact – Invasive species may cause significant ecological problems because they have been introduced into habitat in which there are no natural pathogens, parasites or predators. Lack of these natural controls may allow a nuisance species to grow exponentially in new habitat. Introduced nuisance species may prey upon or compete with native species and could transmit diseases to native species. Preventive Steps – Anglers and boaters should take precautions to prevent the introduction or spread of invasive species. This is especially important to boaters who travel to waters that have invasive species not present in any Nebraska waters. Follow these procedures: • It is unlawful for a boat to arrive at or leave any body of water in Nebraska with water other than from a domestic source except for fire-fighting purposes. Drain water on site. • It is unlawful for a boat or trailer to arrive or leave a launch area with any aquatic vegetation from that water body still attached. Boat blinds cannot use plants listed as invasive species or noxious weeds. • Wash mud off waders. Felt-sole wading boots are unlawful. • These steps are intended to prevent or delay the establishment of aquatic invasive species in Nebraska waters. CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY Zebra and quagga mussels can survive out of water for up to two weeks. AIS, such as zebra mussels, are invisible to the naked eye during the larval stage and can be spread through drops of water that live up to 27 days in cooler temperature. Aquatic plants can be spread by tiny fragments as well. After boating and before launching your boat in a different water body: • Rinse boat and all equipment with hot tap water ideally more than 140 degrees F to kill zebra and quagga mussels; • Spray boat, live well, engine and trailer with a high-pressure sprayer; • Pull plugs from bilge, live wells and engine to drain upon leaving a water body. • If washing the boat away from the water body you are leaving, do not allow runoff to enter a drainage. Control your runoff. • Dry boat and all equipment for at least five days. Use a towel to speed up the drying process. • AIS inspectors are present at several Nebraska water bodies from May to October to ensure compliance with Game and Parks regulations. • Visit stopaquatichitchhikers.org for more information on procedures and AIS on watercraft. Report Suspected AIS Observations For questions, or to report any suspected AIS observations, contact the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's aquatic invasive species program manager at 402- 471-7602 or ngpc.ais@nebraska.gov.

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