
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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71 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS habitat incentive program, Rainwater Basin public wetland watershed special initiative. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Blanchong, J. A., M. D. Samuel, and G. Mack. 2006. Multi-species patterns of avian cholera mortality in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 42:81–91. Brennan, E. K. 2006. Local and landscape variables infl uencing migratory bird abundance, behavior, and community structure in Rainwater Basin wetlands. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA. Brennan, E. K., L.M. Smith, D.A. Haukos, and T.G. LaGrange. 2005. Short-term response of wetland birds to prescribed burning in Rainwater Basin wetlands. Wetlands 25:667–674. Cariveau, A. B., D. C. Pavlacky, A. A. Bishop, and T. G. LaGrange. 2011. Effects of surrounding land use on playa inundation following intense rainfall. Wetlands 31:65–73. Daniel, D. W. 2015. Greenhouse gas fl uxes and carbon storage dynamics in playa wetlands: Restoration potential to mitigate climate change. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA. Daniel, D. W., L. M. Smith, and S. T. McMurry. 2015. Land use effects on sedimentation and water storage volume in playas of the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska. Land Use Policy 42:426–431. Daniel, D. W., L. M. Smith, D. A. Haukos, L. A. Johnson, and S. T. McMurry. 2014. Land use and Conservation Reserve Program effects on the persistence of playa wetlands in the High Plains. Environmental Science and Technology 48:4282–4288. Daniel, D. W., L. M. Smith, and S. T. McMurry. 2016. Greenhouse gas fl uxes and carbon storage dynamics in playa wetlands: Restoration potential to mitigate climate change. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Effects Assessment Project Science Note. Daniel, D. W., L. M. Smith, and S. T. McMurry. 2017. Effects of sediment removal and surrounding land use on carbon and nitrogen storage in playas and watersheds in the Rainwater Basin region of Nebraska. Soil and Tillage Research 174:169–176. Daniel, D. W., L. M. Smith, and S. T. McMurry, B. A. Tangen, C. F. Dahl, N. H. Euiliss, Jr., and T. G. LaGrange. 2019. Effects of land use on greenhouse gas fl ux in playa wetlands and associated watersheds in the High Plains, USA. Agricultural Sciences, Special Issue: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 10:181–201. Dappen, P., J. Merchant, and M. Tooze. 2001. GIS database development for the Rainwater Basin. Final Report, Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Davis, C. A., and J. R. Bidwell. 2007. Invertebrate response to wetland management practices, land-use practices, and restorations in the Rainwater Basin region. Final Report, State Wildlife Grant T-11, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Davis, C. A., and J. R. Bidwell. 2008. Response of aquatic invertebrates to vegetation management and agriculture. Wetlands 28:793–805. Davis, C. A., J. R. Bidwell, and K. R. Hickman. 2009. Effects of hydrological regimes on competitive interactions of Schoenoplectus fl uviatilis and two co- occurring wetland plants. Aquatic Botany 91:267–272. Dinsmore, S. J. 1996a. Snowy plovers in the Rainwater Basin. Nebraska Bird Review 64:71. Dinsmore, S. J. 1996b. Whimbrel. Nebraska Bird Review 64:131–132. Drahota, J. 2003. Breeding black-necked stilts at Funk Waterfowl Production Area. Nebraska Bird Review 71:166–167. Drahota, J. 2012. Rainwater Basin seed availability, depletion, and waterfowl response during spring migration. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA. Drahota, J., and L. M. Reichart. 2015. Wetland seed availability for waterfowl in annual and perennial emergent plant communities of the Rainwater Basin. Wetlands 35:1105–1116. Elliott, C R. 1991. Mapping Nebraska wetlands. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. June:36–41. Ekstein, J. D., and S. E. Hygnstrom. 1996. Fate of wetlands associated with the central Nebraska irrigation canal system. Great Plains Research 6:41–60. Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1987. Soil-vegetation correlations in the Sandhills and Rainwater Basin wetlands of Nebraska. Biological Report 87. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., USA. Evans, R. D., and C. W. Wolfe, Jr. 1967. Waterfowl production in the Rainwater Basin area of Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management 33:788–794. Farmer, A. H., and F. Parent. 1997. Effects of landscape on shorebird movements at spring migration stopovers. Condor 99:698–707. Farmer, A. H., and J. Wiens. 1999. Models and reality: Time-energy trade-offs in pectoral sandpiper migration. Ecology 80:2566–2580. Farrar, J. 1982. The Rainwater Basin, Nebraska's vanishing wetlands. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:18–34. Farrar, J. 1995. Grazing for waterfowl. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. December:8–13. Farrar, J. 1996. Nebraska's Rainwater Basin. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:18–35. Farrar, J. 1996. The Troester tunnel. Notes from the fi eld. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. May:6–7. Farrar, J. Ducks Unlimited in the Rainwater Basin. 2010. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:22–29. Fontaine, J. J., A. D. Fedele, L. S. Wzola, L. N. Messinger, E. F. Stuber, C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Lusk, K. L. Decker, and J. S. Taylor. 2019. Hunters and their perceptions of public access: A view from afi eld. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:589–601. Forsberg, M. 1998. Funk Lagoon, yesterday and today. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. December 24–31. Foster, S. 2010. Temporal and spatial variations of ions, isotopes and agricultural contaminants in surface and groundwaters of Nebraska's Rainwater Basin wetlands. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Gabig, P. J. 2000. The Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Evaluation Plan. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Geluso, K., B. T. Krohn, M. J. Harner, and M. J. Assenmacher. 2013. Whooping cranes consume plains leopard frogs at migratory stopover sites in Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 45:91–93. Gersib, R. A. 1991. Nebraska Wetlands Priority Plan. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Gersib, R. A., B. Elder, K. F. Dinan, and T. H. Hupf. 1989. Waterfowl values by wetland type within Rainwater Basin wetlands with special emphasis on activity time budget and census data. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Gersib, R. A., R. R. Raines, W. S. Rosier, and M. C. Gilbert. 1989. A functional assessment of selected wetlands within the Rainwater Basin area of Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Gersib, R. A., J. Cornely, A. Trout, J. Hyland, and J. Gabig. 1990. Concept plan for waterfowl habitat protection, Rainwater Basin area of Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Gersib, R. A., K. F. Dinan, J. D. Kauffeld, M. D. Onnen, P. J. Gabig, J. E. Cornely, G. E. Jasmer, J. M. Hyland, K. J. Strom. 1992. Looking to the future: An implementation plan for the Rainwater Basin Joint Venture. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.

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