
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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51 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS wet meadow and slough wetlands and made them more accessible to sandhill cranes and waterfowl using the area. Further upstream, several private land wetland restoration projects were completed by Ducks Unlimited, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Sandhills Task Force, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and the wildlife response to the projects has been fun to watch. Websites: ducks.org/nebraska, fws.gov/program/ partners-fi sh-and-wildlife. Contacts Nebraska Game and Parks Commission offi ce in North Platte, (308) 535-8025. Select Public Use Areas • Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park, North Platte, Lincoln County • Muskrat Run WMA, 6 miles east, 1 mile north of Hershey, Lincoln County • North River WMA, 3 milies north of Hershey, Lincoln County LOWER PLATTE RIVER Profi le The Lower Platte River extends approximately 100 miles from where the Loup River joins the Platte near Columbus to the Platte-Missouri River confl uence south of Omaha. The river in this reach begins to fl ow in a more defi ned channel, though islands and sandbars are still numerous. The Lower Platte River has fewer acres of wetlands and wet meadows than the Central Platte River. The wetlands along Morning light highlights the blooming blazing star on a wet meadow wetland along the Lower Platte River in Saunders County. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE

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