
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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81 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS of bats from south-central Nebraska. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 347:1–15. Johnson, W. C. 1994. Woodland expansion in the Platte River, Nebraska: Patterns and causes. Ecological Monographs 64:45–84. Johnson, W. C. 1998. Adjustment of riparian vegetation to river regulation in the Great Plains, USA. Wetlands 18:608-618. Johnson, W. C. 1999. Response of riparian vegetation to streamfl ow regulation and land use in the Great Plains. Great Plains Research 9:357–69. Johnson, W. C., and S. E. Boettcher. 2000. The pre-settlement Platte: Wooded or prairie river? Great Plains Research 10:39–68. Jones, S., R. Ballinger, and J. Nietfeldt. 1981. Herpetofauna of Mormon Island Preserve Hall County, Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 13:33–41. Jorde, D. G., G. L. Krapu, and R. D. Crawford. 1983. Feeding ecology of mallards wintering in Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management 47:1044–1053. Jorde, D. G., G. L. Krapu, R. D. Crawford, and M. A. Hay. 1984. Effects of weather on habitat selection and behavior of mallards wintering in Nebraska. Condor 86:258–265. Kessler, A. C., J. W. Merchant, C. R. Allen, and S. D. Shultz. 2011. Impacts of invasive plants on sandhill crane (Grus canadensis) roosting habitat. Invasive Plant Science and Management 4:369–377. Kim, D. H., W. E. Newton, G. R. Lingle, and F. Chavez-Ramirez. 2008. Infl uence of grazing and available moisture on breeding densities of grassland birds in the central Platte River Valley, Nebraska. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:820–829. Kinzel, P. J., J. M. Nelson, and A. K. Heckman. 2009. Response of sandhill crane (Grus Canadensis) riverine roosting habitat to changes in stage and sandbar morphology. River Research and Applications 25:135–152. Kirsch, E. 1988. On the edge...on the Platte. Endangered. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:36–41. Kirsch, E. M. 1996. Habitat selection and productivity of least terns on the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Wildlife Monographs 132:3–48. Knopf, F. L., and M. L. Scott. 1990. Altered fl ows and created landscapes in the Platte River headwaters, 1840-1990. Pages 47–70 in J. M. Sweeney, editor. Management of dynamic ecosystems. North Central Section, The Wildlife Society, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Krahulik, J. R. 2002. Effects of land management and habitat change on wet meadow invertebrate diversity in south- central Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Kearney, USA. Krapu, G. L. 1981. Losses of riparian wetlands of the Platte River in relation to use by cranes. Page 355 in B. Richardson, editor. Wetland values and management. Minnesota Water Planning Board, St. Paul, USA (abstract, page 355). Krapu, G. L., D. E. Facey, E. K. Fritzell, and D. H. Johnson. 1984. Habitat use by migrant sandhill cranes in Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:407–417. Krapu, G. L., D. A. Brandt, and R. R. 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Lingle, G. R., and M. A. Hay. 1982. A checklist of the birds of Mormon Island Crane Meadows. Nebraska Bird Review 50:27–36. Lingle, G. R. 1992. History and economic impact of crane watching in central Nebraska. Proceedings North American Crane Workshop 6:25–29. Lingle, G. R. 1994. Birding Crane River: Nebraska's Platte. Harrier Publications, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. Lingle, G. 1995. 1994 Breeding Bird Census: wetland sedge meadow I and II. Journal of Field Ornithology 66 [Supplemental]:100–101. Lingle, G. 1996. 1995 Breeding Bird Census wetland sedge meadow I and II. Journal of Field Ornithology 66 [Supplemental]:76–77. Lingle, G., and P. Bedell. Year. 1989. 1988 Breeding Bird Census wetland sedge meadow I and II. Journal of Field Ornithology 60 [Supplemental]:65–66. Lingle, G., and P. Bedell. 1990. 1989 Breeding Bird Census wetland sedge meadow I and II. Journal of Field Ornithology 61 [Supplemental]:72–73. Lingle, G., S. Bergman, and J. 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Nebraska Bird Review 86:175–180. Malzahn, J., A. J. Caven, and J. D. Wiese. 2020. Characteristics of a river otter (Lontra canadensis) maternal den in the Central Platte River Valley, NE. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 40:30–38. Malzahn, J. M., A. J. Caven, S. Warren, B. L. Ostrom, and D. M. Ferraro. 2021. Habitat associations and activity patterns of herpetofauna in the Central Platte River Valley, Nebraska, with notes on morphometric characteristics. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 41:88–105. McLean, R. P., G. D. Wright, and K. Geluso. 2015. Cope's Gray Treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis) along the Platte River, Hall County, Nebraska. Collinsorum 4:2–4. Meyer, C. K., S. G. Baer, and M. R. Whiles. 2008. Ecosystem recovery across a chronosequence of restored wetlands in the Platte River Valley. Ecosystems 11:193–208. Meyer, C. K., and M. R. Whiles. 2008. Macroinvertebrate communities in restored and natural Platte River slough wetlands. 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