
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS Ducey, J. E. 1987. Biological features of Saline Wetlands in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 15:5–14. Farrar, J., and R. A. Gersib. 1991. Nebraska salt marshes: Last of the least. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. June:1–23. Farrar, J. 2001. Rock Creek wetlands. NEBRASKAland. April. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. April:10–19. Farrar, J. 2003. Tiger of the marsh (the Salt Creek tiger beetle). NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:18–25. Farrar, J. 2005. Preserving the last of the least. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. January-February:46. Farrar, J. Shoemaker Marsh. 2009. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. April:12–21. Forsberg, M. 1999. Wanderings in a salt marsh. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. May:38–45. Forsberg, M. Success in the salt marsh. 2018. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. August- September:26–38. Fowler, E. Beetles on the brink. 2012. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. June: 40–45. Fowler, E. Salt Creek tiger beetle. 2017. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:62–63. Gersib, R. A., and G. Steinauer. 1990. An inventory and general assessment of eastern Nebraska Saline Wetlands in Lancaster and southern Saunders Counties. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Gilbert, J. 2008. Groundwater mixing dynamics in the Saline Wetlands of the Little Salt Creek Watershed, Lancaster County, Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Gilbert, M. C., and R. G. Stutheit, editors. 1994. Resource categorization of Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands. Prepared for the Eastern Nebraska Saline Wetlands Interagency Study Project. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Gosselin, D. C., F. E. Harvey, and C. D. Frost, 2001. Geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Great Plains (Dakota) aquifer of Nebraska: Implications for management of a regional aquifer system. Ground Water 39:98–108. Greenwald, J. 2007. Preserving saline wetlands on the urban fringe. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Harvey, F. E., J. F. Ayers, and D. C. Gosselin. 2007. Groundwater dependence of endangered ecosystems: Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands. Ground Water 45:736–752. Hitchcock, J. 2010. Habitat conservation planning guide for Nebraska's eastern Saline Wetlands. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Kaul, R. B. 1975. Vegetation of Nebraska (circa 1850). Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. [Map]. Kelly, B. B. 2011. Using electrical resistivity imaging to map saline groundwater and subaqueous spring discharge: An example from the Saline Wetlands of eastern Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. LaGrange, T., T. Genrich, D. Schulz, B. Lathrop, and G. Johnson. 2003. Implementation Plan for the Conservation of Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Murphy, R. A. 1992 Problem identifi cation and planning strategies for saline wetland protection in Lancaster County, Nebraska. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Nabity, P. D., and K. D. Hoagland. 2006. Seed viability of inland saline wetlands in agro-ecosystems. Great Plains Research 16:173–180. Poague, K., and J. Dinan. 1997. International shorebird survey report for southeastern Nebraska – Spring 1997. The Nebraska Bird Review 65:127–131. Rolfsmeier, S. B. 1991. The fl ora and plant communities of the Ceresco saline basins, southern Saunders County, Nebraska. Unpublished report to the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Saline Wetlands Conservation Partnership. 2018. Nebraska's Saline Wetlands Conservation Plan. City of Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Shirk, C. J. 1924. An ecological study of the vegetation of an inland saline area. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Smeenk, N. A. 2019. Assessing the ecological condition of Nebraska's wetland resources and amphibian communities: An intensifi cation of the Environmental Protection Agency's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Sorenson, E. 2005. Saline wetlands of eastern Nebraska: surface expressions of regional groundwater fl ow in the Rock Creek Watershed. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Spomer, S. M., and L. G. Higley. 1993. Population status and distribution of the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle. Cicindela nevadica lincolniana Casey (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 66:392–398. Spomer, S. M., and L. G. Higley. 1997. Nebraska's salt marsh tigers. University of Nebraska State Museum. Museum Notes # 97. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Steinauer, G. 2020. Saving saltwort – Returning salt to salt marshes. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. June:32–35. Taylor, T. J., and L. D. Krueger, editors. 1997. Mitigation guidelines for Nebraska's eastern saline wetlands. Prepared for the Eastern Saline Wetlands Interagency Study Project. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VII, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, District, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. Ungar, W., W. Hogan, and M. McClelland. 1969. Plant communities of saline soils at Lincoln, Nebraska. American Midland Naturalist 82:564–577. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1996. Rock Creek Saline Wetland Cooperative River Basin Study. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Welsh, R. 2022. Pass the salt. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. May:48. Zlotsky, A., and J. Yost. 1998. Little Salt Fork Marsh Preserve: Restoration of an inland saline wetland. Land and Water 42:49–51. WESTERN ALKALINE Grier, B. 2009. Cranes on the North Platte. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. March:42–45. Rolfsmeier, S. B. 1993. The saline wetland- meadow vegetation and fl ora of the North Platte River Valley in the Nebraska Panhandle. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 20:13–24. Smeenk, N. A. 2019. Assessing the ecological condition of Nebraska's wetland resources and amphibian communities: An intensifi cation of the Environmental Protection Agency's 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment. Dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Steele, G. V., and T. G. LaGrange. 2012. Investigation of restoration of wetlands in the Pumpkin Creek watershed upstream of Nebraska Highway 71, Banner and Scotts Bluff Counties, Western Nebraska. U.S. Geological Survey Study Plan, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Steinauer, G. 1994. Alkaline wetlands of the North Platte River valley. NEBRASKAland. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. June:18–43.

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