
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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Page 66 of 87

67 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS FISH • Pallid sturgeon • Paddlefi sh • Longnose and shortnose gar • Northern pike • Grass pickerel • Largemouth bass • Bluegill • Green sunfi sh • Western mosquito fi sh • Fathead minnow • Plains topminnow • Sturgeon chub • Northern redbelly dace • Finescaled dace • Northern pearl dace • Blacknose shiner • Iowa darter • Plains killifi sh • Stickleback • Small-mouth buffalo • Carp AMPHIBIANS • Tiger salamander • Chorus frog • Bullfrog • Central Plains toad • Spadefoot toad • American toad • Rocky Mountain toad • Great Plains toad • Leopard frog • Northern cricket frog • Cope's gray treefrog REPTILES • Snapping turtle • Blanding's turtle • Northern painted turtle • Spiny soft-shelled turtle • Yellow mud turtle • Plains garter snake • Red-sided garter snake • Massasauga • Common water snake • Graham's water snake • Western fox snake Birds • White pelican • Double-crested cormorant • Pied-billed grebe • Eared grebe • Trumpeter swan • Canada goose • Snow goose • White-fronted goose • Mallard • Northern pintail • Blue-winged teal • Wood duck • Redhead • Great blue heron • American bittern • Sandhill crane • Whooping crane • Bald eagle • Northern harrier • Peregrine falcon • Ring-necked pheasant • Least tern • Black tern • Ring-billed gull • Sora • American coot • Piping plover • Avocet • Black-necked stilt • Pectoral sandpiper • Wilson's phalarope • Common snipe • Short-eared owl • Belted kingfi sher • Willow fl ycatcher • Tree swallow • Yellow warbler • Common yellowthroat • Yellow-headed blackbird • Red-winged blackbird • Swamp sparrow MAMMALS • Short-tailed shrew • Meadow vole • Southern bog lemming • Meadow jumping mouse • Muskrat • Beaver • Raccoon • Mink • River otter • Long-tailed weasel • White-tailed deer • Silver-haired bat Northern redbelly dace is listed as a threatened species in Nebraska and lives in cool streams in the Sandhills. COURTESY OF SOUTH DAKOTA GAME, FISH, AND PARKS Cope's gray treefrogs prefer wooded wetlands, and some are green in color. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE Wetlands support many pollinators, such as this monarch feeding on blazing star. JON FARRAR, NEBRASKALAND Red-winged blackbird. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE A silver-haired bat feeds over a wetland. ERIC FOWLER, NEBRASKALAND

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