
2022 Wetlands Guide for Web - single pages

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Page 65 of 87

66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 GUIDE TO NEBRASKA'S WETLANDS SELECT WETLAND SPECIES PLANTS SALINE • Saltwort • Saltgrass WET MEADOW AND EDGE SPECIES • Cottongrass • Marsh marigold • Western prairie-fringed orchid • Swamp rose mallow • Spotted touch-me-not • Swamp milkweed • Smartweed • Beggar's tick • Barnyard grass • Marsh skullcap • Marsh fern • Sedges • Water cress EMERGENT • Cattail • Arrowhead • Sweet fl ag • Bulrush • Water hemlock • Wild rice • Common reed SUBMERGENT AND FLOATING LEAFED • Bladderwort • Pondweed • Water lily WOODY • Willow • Buttonbush • Dogwood • Elderberry • Silver maple • Cottonwood • Sycamore INTRODUCED • Purple loosestrife • Reed canary grass ANIMALS NON-INSECT INVERTEBRATES • Daphnia • Scud (Amphipod) • Leech • Pond snail • Freshwater mussel • Crayfi sh INSECTS • Water scorpion • Damselfl y • Dragonfl y • Water strider • Water boatman • Common backswimmer • Predaceous diving beetle • Whirligig beetle • Salt Creek tiger beetle • Midge fl y • Mosquito • Monarch butterfl y • Western tiger swallowtail butterfl y • Great gray copper butterfl y Select plants and animals that occur in and around Nebraska wetlands. Includes common, unusual, and threatened and endangered species. Underlined species are on the State of Nebraska endangered/threatened list. Bolded species are also on the federal endangered/threatened list. PLANTS AND ANIMALS Western prairie-fringed orchid. DAKOTA ALTMAN, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE Bladderwort is a carnivorous plant. It has a showy yellow fl ower above the water, but its underwater leaves have bladders that can capture very small aquatic animals. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE Pond snail. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE Crayfi sh. ETHAN FREESE, PLATTE BASIN TIMELAPSE

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