A Guide to the I-80 Lakes • Fishing the Interstate
GPS coordinates: 40.763152,
Alda Lake
NDOT owns this 12-acre lake.
Camping and boating are prohibited.
Limited parking is available at the
northwest corner of the lake.
Fish species: Largemouth bass,
bluegill, channel catfi sh, northern pike.
Amenities: None.
Directions: From Exit 305 at Alda,
turn north and drive a short distance to
the fi rst right turn.
GPS coordinates: 40.802790,
Mormon Island SRA
Located just north of Exit 312,
westbound I-80 travelers get a view of
Mormon Island SRA as they approach
Larry Kurrus of Gretna fl y-fi shes at War Axe State Recreation Area in Buff alo County. JEFF KURRUS, NEBRASKALAND
Sunrise glows pink and purple at Cheyenne State Recreation Area near Wood River
with the interstate overpass in the background. JEFF KURRUS, NEBRASKALAND