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OutdoorNebraska.org | 21 Paddlefish Regulations PERMITS • One person may have no more than two Nebraska archery permits and two Nebraska snagging permits per year. • Permits and their accompanying tags are nontransferable. • Permits are issued using a preference system. The applicant will receive a preference point if he or she is unsuccessful in being awarded a permit. Nonrefundable fee due at time of application: $7. • A person who does not apply at least once during five consecutive years will lose all accumulated points. • Application must have valid email address provided to assist in contacting on draw results. Buddy Applications – Buddy permits are for two applicants only. Applicants must be either both residents or both nonresidents. If there is a difference in preference points, the applications will be assigned to the applicant with the lowest preference points. APPLICATION PERIODS Archery permit: March 1-14 Permits remaining following the first drawing will be sold on first-come, first-served basis beginning at 1 p.m. Central Time on the third Monday in April. Snagging permit: July 1-14 Permits remaining following the first drawing will be sold on first-come, first-served basis beginning at 1 p.m. Central Time on the third Monday in August. NOTE: All application periods begin at 1 p.m. Central Time. Mailed applications must be received in the Lincoln office by 5 p.m. on the last day of the application period. Online applications end at midnight. ARCHERY PADDLEFISH Paddlefish may be taken by bow and arrow and possessed in a designated area of the Missouri River only during the season. Season – June 1-30 Legal Hours – sunrise to sunset Open Area – The open area is from Gavins Point Dam downstream to the mouth of the Big Sioux River at mile marker 734. Closed Area – The area extending downstream from Gavins Point Dam to a line extending from the east end of the south cement wall of the discharge channel northwest to the east end of the north wall of the spillway is closed to archers. The area downstream of this line is open to archers taking game and nongame fish during the appropriate seasons. During the archery paddlefish season, that portion of the tailwaters from Gavins Point Dam downstream to a line that extends from the east end of the south cement wall of the discharge channel northwest to the east end of the north wall of the stilling basin is closed to archers. The use of crossbows is not allowed in the area from the Gavins Point Dam downstream to the U.S. Highway 81 bridge. See image on page 27. NOTE: From the open area below Gavins Point Dam to 0.6 miles downstream, archers may harvest paddlefish if they possess a valid Nebraska resident or Nebraska nonresident archery paddlefish permit as well as a valid Nebraska fishing permit or a South Dakota resident archery paddlefish permit. A South Dakota nonresident fishing permit/tag is not valid in this area. In the remainder of the river open to archery paddlefish, South Dakota nonresident archery paddlefish permits are valid. Requirements – All paddlefish archery anglers must have in their possession a paddlefish tag and a Nebraska fishing permit, if required. Applicants for tags must be 12 years old by June 1. Tag limit – Each angler may have no more than two tags.

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