26 | Turkey Hunting Information: 402-471-0641
Wild Turkey Identification
The wild turkey is the largest of North America's game birds.
Gobblers have iridescent red, green, copper, bronze and
gold feathers. They use these bright colors to great advantage when
attracting females during breeding season.
Females: Hens have drab, usually brown or gray feathers. The
feathers make great camouflage and hide hens when they sit on their
Color Phases: A few wild turkeys grow unusually-colored feathers
known as color phases. There are four color phases: smokey-gray,
black (melanistic), reddish (erythritic) and white (domestic hybrid,
leucistic or albino).
Males: The head is brightly colored and nearly
featherless. During breeding season, the color
alternates between red, white and blue, often
changing in a few seconds.
Hens: The head is grayish-blue and has some small
feathers for camouflage.
Caruncles and Snoods: Both males and
females have fleshy growths on their necks known
as caruncles. They both also have snoods, fleshy
protrubances that hang over their bills and can be extended or contracted at will. The snood of an
adult male usually is much larger than that of a female.
(Source: National Wild Turkey Federation, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission)
Adult males,
known as toms or
gobblers, normally
weigh between 16
and 24 pounds.
Females, known
as hens, usually
weigh between 8
and 10 pounds.