OutdoorNebraska.org | 7
Fall youth turkey – Valid statewide during the fall turkey season for two turkeys of either sex per permit.
For age 15 years and younger. No minimum age.
Resident $8 * Nonresident $8 *
Habitat Stamp $25 (required for nonresidents)
Fall landowner turkey – Valid during the fall turkey season for two turkeys of either sex per permit. For age
16 years and older.
Resident $16.50 * Nonresident $56 *
Habitat Stamp Not required for residents or nonresidents
* includes $3 issuing fee
This stamp is valid statewide and required of all hunters in Nebraska, except residents younger than 16 years
of age and residents who hold veteran or 69-and-older senior permits. EXCEPTION: Farmers, ranchers and
qualifying family members who hunt with a landowner permit on land they own or lease for agricultural
purposes are exempt. One stamp is required for all hunting in a calendar year, but January turkey hunters may
use the previous year's stamp.
The requirements to qualify as a Nebraska resident to buy a resident turkey permit:
• Reside in Nebraska continuously for at least 30 days before making application for a permit and intend
to become a Nebraska resident.
• Residents in school in another state or stationed outside Nebraska as part of a military assignment
that have maintained Nebraska as their state of legal residency.
• Active-duty military personnel and full-time students stationed or attending school in Nebraska for a
period of at least 30 days.
NOTE: A new resident should be prepared to provide documentation of residency (driver's license, voter
registration, etc.) to an officer when in possession of a permit.
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