This schedule applies to any point in Nebraska that is due north or due south of Kearney. For each
9 miles west of Kearney, add 1 minute. For each 9 miles east of Kearney, subtract 1 minute. It is a
hunter's responsibility to be aware of legal shooting hours for game they are hunting.
Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Day Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
1 7:03 8:10 7:32 7:20 8:06 6:34 7:40 5:10 8:00 5:19 7:47 5:52
2 7:04 8:09 7:33 7:19 8:07 6:33 7:41 5:10 8:00 5:19 7:46 5:54
3 7:05 8:07 7:34 7:17 7:08 5:32 7:42 5:09 8:00 5:20 7:45 5:55
4 7:06 8:06 7:35 7:15 7:09 5:30 7:43 5:09 8:00 5:21 7:44 5:56
5 7:07 8:04 7:36 7:14 7:10 5:29 7:44 5:09 8:00 5:22 7:43 5:57
6 7:08 8:02 7:37 7:12 7:12 5:28 7:45 5:09 8:00 5:23 7:42 5:58
7 7:09 8:01 7:38 7:10 7:13 5:27 7:46 5:09 8:00 5:24 7:41 6:00
8 7:09 7:59 7:39 7:09 7:14 5:26 7:47 5:09 8:00 5:25 7:40 6:01
9 7:10 7:57 7:40 7:07 7:15 5:25 7:48 5:09 8:00 5:26 7:39 6:02
10 7:11 7:56 7:41 7:06 7:16 5:24 7:49 5:09 8:00 5:27 7:38 6:03
11 7:12 7:54 7:42 7:04 7:18 5:23 7:50 5:09 8:00 5:28 7:36 6:05
12 7:13 7:52 7:44 7:02 7:19 5:22 7:50 5:09 8:00 5:29 7:35 6:06
13 7:14 7:51 7:45 7:01 7:20 5:21 7:51 5:09 7:59 5:30 7:34 6:07
14 7:15 7:49 7:46 6:59 7:21 5:20 7:52 5:09 7:59 5:31 7:33 6:08
15 7:16 7:47 7:47 6:58 7:22 5:19 7:53 5:10 7:59 5:32 7:31 6:09
16 7:17 7:46 7:48 6:56 7:23 5:18 7:53 5:10 7:58 5:33 7:30 6:11
17 7:18 7:44 7:49 6:55 7:25 5:18 7:54 5:10 7:58 5:34 7:29 6:12
18 7:19 7:42 7:50 6:53 7:26 5:17 7:55 5:10 7:57 5:36 7:27 6:13
19 7:20 7:41 7:51 6:52 7:27 5:16 7:55 5:11 7:57 5:37 7:26 6:14
20 7:21 7:39 7:52 6:50 7:28 5:15 7:56 5:11 7:56 5:38 7:25 6:15
21 7:22 7:37 7:53 6:49 7:29 5:15 7:56 5:12 7:56 5:39 7:23 6:17
22 7:23 7:35 7:54 6:47 7:30 5:14 7:57 5:12 7:55 5:40 7:22 6:18
23 7:24 7:34 7:56 6:46 7:31 5:14 7:57 5:13 7:54 5:41 7:21 6:19
24 7:25 7:32 7:57 6:45 7:33 5:13 7:58 5:13 7:54 5:43 7:19 6:20
25 7:26 7:30 7:58 6:43 7:34 5:12 7:58 5:14 7:53 5:44 7:18 6:21
26 7:27 7:29 7:59 6:42 7:35 5:12 7:59 5:14 7:52 5:45 7:16 6:23
27 7:28 7:27 8:00 6:40 7:36 5:11 7:59 5:15 7:52 5:46 7:15 6:24
28 7:29 7:25 8:01 6:39 7:37 5:11 7:59 5:16 7:51 5:47 7:13 6:25
29 7:30 7:24 8:02 6:38 7:38 5:11 8:00 5:16 7:50 5:49 7:12 6:26
30 7:31 7:22 8:03
6:37 7:39 5:10 8:00 5:17 7:49 5:50
31 8:05 6:35 8:00 5:18 7:48 5:51