39 | OutdoorNebraska�org
The Open Fields and Waters (OFW) provides financial incentives for allowing public walk-in access and the
opportunity for private landowners to work with Game and Parks biologists to improve wildlife habitat� In
2018-19, the OFW program opened more than 317,000 acres of private land to hunting, trapping and fishing
and more than 42 miles of streams to the public in Nebraska�
The Nebraska Public Access Atlas is published each summer to provide hunters,
trappers and anglers a guide to publicly accessible land statewide� It is printed
in hard-copy form and is available in digital and interactive versions� The atlas
details private lands available to public access, as well as other public lands�
The detailed maps reveal locations of sites and a table in the back of the atlas
provides area-specific information and regulations� Visit OutdoorNebraska.
gov/PublicAccessAtlas/ to view the atlas or pick up a free copy wherever
hunting, fishing and fur harvest permits are sold�
Invasive species are plants, animals or pathogens that are non-native to an ecosystem� They cause harm to
the economy, environment or human health� They interfere with recreation opportunities and affect wildlife�
They impact wildlife by significantly reducing desirable wildlife forage, altering thermal and escape cover,
affecting water availability for wildlife, and reducing vegetation biodiversity necessary for wildlife survival�
Help Protect Your Favorite Hunting Spots
• Before leaving home or camp, inspect and remove all plant parts, animals, mud, and other debris from
gear, pets and vehicles� Dispose of the debris on site� Do the same before leaving your hunting site�
• Follow trails to prevent invasive and noxious plant parts and seeds from getting on clothes and pets�
Avoid areas infested with invasive and noxious plants�
• Only burn locally sourced firewood� Invasive insects can be spread by bringing non-locally sourced
firewood into an area� Leave unburned firewood at the campsite or with a camp host�
• Drain water from watercraft before leaving an area� Wash your boat and allow it to dry completely
before entering another body of water� Do not transport live fish or bait� Dumping bait or fish into another
water body can introduce invasive aquatic invaders�
For more information, visit neinvasives.com�
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