
2018 Public Access Atlas

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122 Medicine Creek Operations Area (USBOR) 20 SW 449 1RGPVQYCNMKPJWPVKPICPFſUJKPIWPNGUUQVJGTYKUGRQUVGF Medicine Creek SRA 20 SW 1,007 Medicine Creek WMA 19 & 20 SW 7,487 Memphis Lake SRA 42 SE 166 • Closed to target shooting May 1 - Sept. 30. Memphis Lake WMA 42 SE 56 • Closed to target shooting May 1 - Sept. 30. Merganser WMA (NRD) 43 SE 103 • Hunting and trapping permitted unless restricted or prohibited by posted signs or URGEKCNTGIWNCVKQPUECNNHQT04&TGIWNCVKQPU Meridian WMA 38 SE 400 Merritt Reservoir SRA 15 NW 823 Seasonal waterfowl blinds allowed. Merritt Reservoir WMA 15 NW 9,847 Seasonal waterfowl blinds allowed. Metcalf WMA 5 NW 3,317 Middle Decatur Bend (USACE) 45 & 46 NE 1,013 Accessible from river or by crossing Iowa public land on foot. Middle Decatur Bend WMA 45 & 46 NE 133 Accessible from river or by crossing Iowa public land on foot. Milburn Dam WMA 23 NE 672 Miller's Pond WPA 38 SE 131 • • Mirdan Canal WMA 23 & 29 NE 52 Moger WPA 37 & 38 SW 197 • • Montz Point (PRBE) 3 NW 2,007 • For more info email PRBE at info@nebwild.org. Montz Point WMA 3 NW 897 • Mormon Island SRA 31 SW 152 Morphy WPA 37 SE 90 • • Mulberry Bend WMA 39 NE 6 Boat access to Missouri River. Muskrat Run WMA 18 SW 233 • • Myrtle E. Hall WMA 23 NE 1,960 In two tracts. Narrows WMA 32 SW 236 N-CORPE (NRD) 19 SW 5,120 • 9CNMKPCEEGUUQPN[CTEJGT[CPFUJQVIWPWUGQPN[PQVTCRRKPIPQFQIUQPRTQRGTV[ HTQO/C[,WN[PQWUGQHVTGGUVCPFURCEMKPRCEMQWVFC[WUGQPN[QRGP ſTGUUOQMKPICPFEQPUWORVKQPQHCNEQJQNRTQJKDKVGFECNNHQT04& regulations. Nelson WPA 37 SW 160 • • Nine Mile Creek WMA 3 NW 180 0KQDTCTC%QPƀWGPEG9/# 33 NE 1,225 • Niobrara SP 33 NE 1,237 Special free access permit required, contact park superintendent at 402-857-3373. North Lake Basin WMA 37 SE 364 • North Loup SRA 30 SW 20 North Platte NWR 2 & 3 NW 1,500 • • 1PN[.CMG#NKEG7PKVKUQRGPVQJWPVKPICTEJGT[FGGTJWPVKPICNNQYGF CNNCIGU youth-only hunting allowed for small game and furbearers (except muskrat, beaver CPFDQDECVEQPVCEVTGHWIGCVHQTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQP North River WMA 18 SW 681 • Northeast Sacramento WMA 32 SW 40 • O. John Emerson WMA 27 NE 160 Oak Glen WMA 42 & 43 SE 633 *WPVGTUOC[WUGQPN[TKOſTGTKƀGUOW\\NGNQCFKPITKƀGUUJQVIWPUWUKPICUKPING ball or slug, shotguns using lead or nontoxic shot only, or archery equipment. Oak Valley WMA 35 NE 640 • Ogallala Strip WMA 12 SW 456 • Oglala National Grassland (USFS) 1 NW 94,682 For more information, contact Pine Ridge Ranger District at 308-432-0300. Olive Creek SRA/WMA 43 SE 612 Target shooting prohibited on north half of area and within 100 yards of any access road or parking or camping area. Oliver Reservoir Recreation Area (NRD) 4 NW 1,187 Call 308-254-2377 for NRD regulations. Omadi Bend WMA 40 NE 33 • $QTFGTU+QYCD[NCPFHQTOCREQPVCEV)COGCPF2CTMUCV Map Sheet District Acres Nontoxic Shot Only Target Shooting Prohibited Area Name Other Regulations and Information

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