
2018 Public Access Atlas

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

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124 Redtail WMA 42 SE 320 Renquist Basin WMA 36 SE 107 • Rhoden WMA 47 SE 48 • • #EEGUUXKC5EJKNNKPI9/#CTEJGT[FGGTJWPVKPIQPN[ Ritterbush WPA 32 SW 189 • • Rock Creek SRA 14 SW 104 Rock Creek Station SHP 44 SE 353 9CNMKPCEEGUUQPN[ECNNRCTMCVHQTOQTGTGIWNCVKQPU Rock Glen WMA 44 SE 706 Rockford Lake SRA 44 SE 436 Rolland WPA 37 SE 129 • • Rose Creek WMA 44 SE 384 No target shooting in and around east parking lot. Rose Creek WMA (West) 38 & 44 SE 280 Roseland Lake Recreation Area (NRD) 31 SW 116 • • 1RGPVQUOCNNICOGCPFYCVGTHQYNJWPVKPIECNNHQT04& regulations. Sacramento-Wilcox WMA 26 SW 2,320 • Portion of area posted as wildlife refuge. Samuel R. McKelvie NF (USFS) 9 & 15 NW 114,722 For more information, contact Bessey Ranger District at 308-533-2257. Sandpiper WMA 37 & 38 SE 160 • Sandy Channel SRA 25 SW 181 Marked access. Sandy Point Bend (USACE) 46 NE 252 • Iowa land on Nebraska side of Missouri River open to Nebraska hunters for small ICOGFGGTCPFVWTMG[JWPVGTUPGGF+QYCRGTOKVUCEEGUUKDNGHTQOTKXGTQPN[ Schlagel Creek WMA 15 NW 610 Schuck WPA 38 SW 80 • • Schwisow WPA 44 SE 61 • • Scotia Canal WMA 29 NE 229 Shell Lake WMA 9 NW 380 • Snowmobiles and ATVs allowed on ice. Sherman Reservoir SRA 30 SW 4,386 &QIVTCKPKPICTGCUGCUQPCNYCVGTHQYNDNKPFUCNNQYGF Sherman Reservoir WMA 30 SW 3,180 &QIVTCKPKPICTGCUGCUQPCNYCVGTHQYNDNKPFUCNNQYGF Shypoke WMA 37 SE 160 • Sinninger WPA 37 SE 160 • • Sioux Strip WMA 34 NE 25 In three tracts. Smartweed Marsh West WMA 38 SW 39 • Smartweed Marsh WMA 38 SW 160 • Smith Creek Recreation Area (NRD) 37 SE 32 • • 4GETGCVKQPCTGCQRGPVQYCVGTHQYNJWPVKPIQPN[ECNNHQT NRD regulations. Smith Lake WMA 6 NW 641 Smith WPA 38 SW 548 • • Sonora Bend (USACE) 49 SE 189 • Accessible from river only. Sora WMA 38 SE 310 • South Fork WMA 49 SE 278 South Mitchell (PRBE) 3 NW 300 • • *WPVKPICNNQYGFWUKPICTEJGT[UJQVIWPQTOW\\NGNQCFGTQPN[(QTOQTG information, email PRBE at info@nebwild.org. South Pine WMA 22 NE 443 South Sacramento WMA 26 SW 167 • South Twin Lake WMA 22 NE 160 Southeast Sacramento WMA 26 SW 185 • Spikerush WMA 37 SE 195 • Spoonbill Flats WPA 32 SW 162 • • Spotted Tail (PRBE) 3 NW 822 • • *WPVKPICNNQYGFWUKPICTEJGT[UJQVIWPQTOW\\NGNQCFGTQPN[(QTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQP email PRBE at info@nebwild.org. Springer WPA 37 SW 640 • • Stagecoach Lake SRA/WMA 43 SE 607 Target shooting prohibited north of Panama Road and the portion east of the creek south of Panama Road. Straight Water WMA 43 SE 240 • Map Sheet District Acres Nontoxic Shot Only Target Shooting Prohibited Area Name Other Regulations and Information

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