
2018 Public Access Atlas

Access digital copies of guides and regulations publications from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Issue link: http://digital.outdoornebraska.gov/i/1018589

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Page 111 of 131

112 Platte River Recreation Access (PRRA) Program 3URYLGHVDGGLWLRQDOKXQWLQJDQGÀVKLQJDFFHVVDORQJWKH3ODWWH5LYHU To learn more, view available land, or make reservations, visit PlatteAccess.org • Over 6,200 acres along the Platte River available IRUKXQWLQJÀVKLQJDQGRWKHUDFWLYLWLHV $FFHVVSURYLGHGWKURXJKDQRQOLQHUHVHUYDWLRQ V\VWHP $UHDVSHFLÀFUHJXODWLRQVDSSO\SRUWLRQVPD\EH FORVHGGXULQJSDUWVRIWKH\HDU 7KHVHRSSRUWXQLWLHVSURYLGHGE\WKH3ODWWH5LYHU 5HFRYHU\,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ3URJUDPDQG1HEUDVND *DPHDQG3DUNV OutdoorNebraska.org If you hunt, trap or fish in Nebraska, your permit and habitat stamp dollars help fund the Open Fields and Waters Program (OFW). OFW increases access to private lands and provides more places to pursue your outdoor passions. Learn more about this program on page 3 of this atlas.

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