Nebraska classrooms encouraged to participate in Trout in the Classroom Program

August 15, 2018 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission invites the state’s second through 12th grade classrooms to participate in the Nebraska Trout in the Classroom Program.

This interdisciplinary, science-based program invites classrooms and schools to explore aquatic ecosystems, life cycles, water quality and the scientific process through raising trout eggs in their classroom.

Participating classrooms set up a cold-water aquarium in their classroom or school, then Game and Parks provides the rainbow trout eggs. Students care for their trout and the aquarium habitat by testing water quality, feeding their trout and monitoring growth and development.

As the program progresses, students see connections between their trout, water resources, the environment and themselves. Students learn first-hand how all aspects of a trout’s life cycle, food web and habitat are interconnected and impacted by the environment. This program provides schools with trout eggs, curriculum and technical assistance throughout the year.

Scholarships are available to provide assistance with some program costs. Program Participation applications and Scholarship applications are due Aug. 24, 2018.

Nebraska Trout in the Classroom is sponsored by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, with funding from the Nebraska Environmental Trust and Nebraska Trout Unlimited Chapter 710.

For more information, visit or contact Kate Sydik at


The post Nebraska classrooms encouraged to participate in Trout in the Classroom Program appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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