South boat ramp will be replaced at Pawnee Lake

March 28, 2018 Jerry Kane

LINCOLN, Neb. – Pawnee Lake in Lancaster County will be drawn down immediately so the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission can replace a boat ramp.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers will draw down the water level 2 feet so construction on a replacement boat ramp on the south side of Pawnee State Recreation Area (SRA) can begin the first week of April.

In addition, the south boat launch’s dock will be replaced and a breakwater to protect launching boats will be built. The breakwater and boat ramp will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Pawnee SRA will remain open during construction, but the south boat ramp and construction areas will be closed. The lake’s other boat ramps will remain open during construction. The project should be completed this summer.

Game and Parks’ Angler Access Program, which is funded through the purchase of fishing permits; federal Coast Guard Program funding; and the Capital Maintenance Fund, which is funded by state sales tax on motorboat and utility task vehicle purchases, make these boat ramp improvements possible.

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