We’re Going Live!

June 21, 2017 daryl bauer

I do not think I am that old, but I suppose I am old enough that this old dog has new tricks, new technology, to learn about.  I was forced to upgrade to a “smart” phone a few weeks ago, still learning how to use that.  Thank goodness I have kids that can teach me!

Gonna branch out and try something else new tomorrow.  I am going live on FaceBook!


Yep, tomorrow, June 22, 12:00 noon, central time, FaceBook Live on our Nebraska Game & Parks Commission FaceBook page.  Log on and play “stump the chump”, ask whatever questions you might have on fish and fishing in Nebraska.  We can talk specifically about summer fishing, but whatever, put a quarter in me and I can ramble about fishing all day!

Looking forward to it!


The post We’re Going Live! appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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